Internationale Studierende aus aller Welt treffen sich in Witten

Your studies at Witten/Herdecke University as a degree-seeking student

International students

In addition to our degree programmes taught in German, we also offer Master's programmes taught entirely in English. If you are looking for a career in business, politics or society, we have the right degree programmes for you!

We offer these degree programmes:

Degree programmes taught in English

Degree programmes requiring German language skills

  • "In Witten, lecturers and students also talk to each other outside of the seminars - for example, about how we can make the degree programme even better together."

    Cal Davenport

    Policy consulting, data department, Grand Rapids (USA)
    Graduate PPE (M. A.)

  • "I was already interested in and committed to the topic of internationalisation during my PPE studies. This opened the doors to my current job."

    Ayesha Keller

    Graduate PPE (M. A.), Head of the International Office at Witten/Herdecke University

  • "The degree programme in Witten is both practice- and research-oriented. It has whetted my appetite for more science. The framework conditions for doctoral students convinced me to complete my doctorate at Witten/Herdecke University."

    Johanne von Danwitz

    Strategy & Organization (M. Sc.), is working on her doctoral studies on the dynamic capabilities of companies in the context of sustainability and learning in organisations.

  • "In Witten, I was able to organise my studies independently. This was a great preparation for my current management position."

    Raphael Landua

    Office manager in politics, Berlin
    Graduate PPE (M. A.)

  • "It is this potpourri of ideas and people that makes Witten/Herdecke University a great place and indeed the university of the future."

    Waidi Adebayo

    PhD student in the field of development economics at Witten/Herdecke University
    Graduate PPE (M. A.)

How to become a student at Witten/Herdecke University

Would you like to study in Germany but are unsure what steps you need to take and what you need to take care of first? Don't worry, we'll guide you through the process step by step!
You apply online for a study place at the UW/H

You can easily submit your application documents to us online. To start your application process, fill out our application form. We will get back to you after reviewing your documents.

You will receive an invitation to the (digital) admission interviews

If we are impressed by your application, we will invite you to an interview - either on campus or online. The purpose of the interview is for you to get to know us and our university better and for us to get to know you.

You receive your study place confirmation and apply for a visa

Now you can make all the preparations for your studies in Germany. Prospective students from EU member states do not need a visa to study in Germany. Students from non-EU countries must (with some exceptions) apply for a visa at the German embassy or consulate.

You are enrolled and travel to Germany

You will need to submit a number of documents to us for registration. You will also need health insurance that covers your study stay in Germany. Our International Office will support you with any questions and also give you tips on finding accommodation in Witten and the surrounding area.

Welcome to Witten/Herdecke University!

During your welcome and induction week, you will get to know our university, the service facilities and your fellow students. During your first weeks in Germany, you will also register with the registration authority in your city and, if applicable, make an appointment with the Foreigners' Registration Office. We will be happy to support you with this.


Austauschstudentin an der Uni Witten/Herdecke

Would you like to study with us for just one semester?

Are you a student at another university and would like to come to Witten for one or two semesters? Our International Office will support you in realising your semester abroad.

Learn more
Gespräch zur Vorbereitung auf das Studium an der Uni Witten/Herdecke

Studying and living in Germany

Here you can find more useful information about living and studying in Germany. Prepare for your experience abroad now!

Studying in Witten
Beratungsgespräch zum Thema Finanzierung mit der StudierendenGesellschaft der UW/H

Student financing

Studying in Witten is not a question of money. With us, you can study first and pay later. Our Income Share Agreement (ISA) makes it possible!

Financing options
Stipendienmöglichkeiten an der UW/H

Scholarships for your studies

Before starting a degree programme, the question of financing arises. Apart from our financing models you can of course also apply for a scholarship. Here you can find information about scholarships at Witten/Herdecke University and other scholarship opportunities from other providers.

To the scholarship overview



International Office

We are here for you!

Do you have questions about international topics or would you like some advice? Our International Office is looking forward to your enquiry!

Get in touch now