We answer your questions
Student counselling
Student Support Team
You can reach the Student Support Team on
Monday to Friday between 09:00 and 15:00 CET/CEST.
- Phone: +49 2302 926-9040
- E-mail: study@uni-wh.de
- Contact Form
The Student Support Team is your point of contact if you have general questions about our degree programmes, the application procedure, funding, everyday life at Witten or other topics relating to studying at Witten/Herdecke University.
Just give us a call or send us an e-mail. You are also welcome to make an appointment for a video call.
Programme-specific advice
The degree programme-specific advice centres are there for you if you are interested in a particular degree programme and have questions about the course of study or application requirements.
Master's degree programmes
Management (M. Sc.) – Strategy & Organization
Ms Christiane Weber, Ms Katrin Bedurke
Phone: +49 2302 926-548
E-mail: bewerbung.wige@uni-wh.de
To the website of the programmePPE - Philosophy, Politics and Economics (M. A.)
Ms Christiane Weber, Ms Katrin Bedurke
Phone: +49 2302 926-548
E-mail: bewerbung.wige@uni-wh.de
Further training programmes
If you have any questions about the continuing education programmes and courses offered by Witten/Herdecke University, please contact the Professional Campus
Phone: +49 2302 926-758
E-mail: professional.campus@uni-wh.de
Student financing
If you have any questions about financing your studies at UW/H and your individual options, please contact our StudierendenGesellschaft (SG).