Beratungsgespräch mit der StudierendenGesellschaft zum Thema Studienfinanzierung

Because education should not be a question of money

The StudierendenGesellschaft Witten/Herdecke e.V.

By students for students

The StudierendenGesellschaft (SG) is a non-profit organisation that was founded in 1995 by students at Witten/Herdecke University. Since its foundation, the SG has stood for free access to higher education, free independent study organisation and free choice of professional career. It makes it possible for everyone to study in Witten - regardless of their financial background!

The concept is as follows: Students manage their tuition fees on their own responsibility. To this end, they have developed a unique financing model, the Income Share Agreement (ISA), which allows students to study first and pay back their tuition fees after graduation depending on their income.

Witten/Herdecke University and the StudierendenGesellschaft work hand in hand. The SG not only manages the tuition fees, but also actively shapes our university as a co-owner and shareholder.

The three freedoms

  • Free access to higher education: Thanks to the Income Share Agreement (ISA), we make it possible for you to study at Witten/Herdecke University regardless of your financial background. The decisive factors for us are your personality and your enthusiasm for the course content.
  • Free independent study organisation: With us, you can decide for yourself how you organise your studies and how long you study for. Tuition fees are only charged for the standard period of study. If you need more semesters, they are exempt from tuition fees - regardless of the mode of payment.
  • Free choice of professional career: After studying in Witten, all paths are open to you and you are free to choose which career path you would like to take. In the ISA, the amount of your income determines whether and how much you pay back, in line with the principle of solidarity.
Beratungssituation mit der StudierendenGesellschaft der Uni Witten/Herdecke

Contact us

Would you like to find out more about StudierendenGesellschaft, our values, the structure of the organisation or the various financing models? Take a look at our website or arrange a consultation with us.

To the StudierendenGesellschaft website