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Deutschlandstipendium for Students

Benefit from financial support & diverse contacts

Become a scholarship recipient of the Deutschlandstipendium now!

Witten/Herdecke University has been awarding several Germany Scholarships to students every year since 2011. The funding amount for the students is €300 per month for a period of one year. Half of this amount is provided by companies, private individuals and foundations. The other half is provided by the federal government.

As a scholarship recipient, you not only benefit from the financial support. You also have the opportunity to make contacts with companies, foundations or associations and their members. This allows you to build important networks for your future while you are still studying.

Interesting facts about the Deutschlandstipendium

Who can apply for the Deutschlandstipendium?

How much is the subsidy and how long does it run for?

How are scholarship recipients selected?

How are the services reviewed?

I already receive a grant, can I still apply?

Does the Deutschlandstipendium count towards BaFöG (German Federal Training Assistance Act)?

I have submitted an application. When will I hear back?

I was rejected. Can I apply again?

Where can I get more information?

How to apply for the Deutschlandstipendium

Eine Studentin sitzt vor ihrem Laptop und hält ein Blatt Papier in den Händen.

Applications for the Deutschlandstipendium must be submitted digitally by email to deutschlandstipendium@uni-wh.de. Written applications sent to us by post are not eligible for the application process.



Further information

Do you have questions about the Deutschlandstipendium?