Mehrere Personen stehen im Kreis und legen ihre Händer übereinander.

For a smooth everyday university life

Our services and facilities

From Central Student Advisory Service to Graduates Management

Studying with us doesn't just mean attending seminars on your chosen degree programme. There are many accompanying and additional offers that accompany you before, during and even after your studies, support your everyday life at the university and give you the opportunity to help shape UW/H.

From the Student Support Team to further education opportunities on the Professional Campus and graduate management: we are there to support you with our services at every stage of your studies at UW/H and beyond. You can also get actively involved in university life with your project ideas by founding or participating in student initiatives or getting involved in the areas of sustainability or diversity.

Find out more about the central facilities and services at Witten/Herdecke University!

Ein Gruppenbild mit drei Männern vor dem Holzgebäude der Uni Witten/Herdecke.

Graduates Management

Through the Alumni Management, you can stay in touch with other graduates after your studies, continue your commitment to UW/H and benefit from various networking opportunities.

Studierende der Zahnmedizin beschäftigen sich mit administrativen Aufgaben, arbeiten an PCs und tauschen Dokumente aus.

Outpatient clinics

At our outpatient clinics, we offer up-to-date and comprehensive GP, dental and psychotherapeutic care. Our students also receive practical training here.

Ein Student steht vor einem Bücherregal und greift nach einem Buch.


Here you will find the reading material you need for your studies. Our university library is constantly adapting its book and media collection to the current needs of students, lecturers and researchers.

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Zwei Männer im Gespräch neben einem Stehtisch.

Career Service

The Career Service puts you in contact with companies and potential employers. You will also receive tips and support for an optimal career start.

Eine Gruppe Studierender läuft mit geschwenkten Pride-Flaggen über dem Campus.

Equality and diversity

Our representatives for equality and diversity are committed to equal opportunities, inclusion and diversity at Witten/Herdecke University.

Ein Gruppenbild von drei Frauen, die auf einer Holztreppe sitzen.

Initiative lab

Do you have a project idea or want to set up an initiative? We'll support you! Our Initiativlabor is the central contact and networking centre for student initiatives and project ideas of all kinds.

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Ein Globus mit Pinnnadeln steht auf einer Balkonbrüstung. Im Hintergrund sind Bäume und blauer Himmel zu sehen.

International Office

The International Office looks after our network of international university partnerships and is your point of contact if you are planning a stay abroad.

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Eine Gruppe Studierender sitzt auf den Campustreppen neben dem Holzgebäude der Uni Witten/Herdecke. Sie sind in ein Gespräch vertieft.


In our newsroom you will find the latest news about university events, our magazine as well as podcasts and videos.

Eine Frau interviewt einen Mann mit einem Mikrofon.


In our press area, media representatives will find central contact persons, our expert liaison service and important facts and figures about UW/H.

Seminarsituation: Ein Mann präsentiert ein Schaubild, dabei schaut er die Seminarteilnehmer:innen an.

Professional Campus

The Professional Campus offers numerous further education and training opportunities for professionals in the fields of health, business and culture.

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Beratungsgespräch zwischen einen Mann und einer Frau. Die Frau unterschreibt einen Vertrag. Auf dem Tisch zwischen ihnen stehen die Logo-Buchstaben der StudierendenGesellschaft (SG).


The StudierendenGesellschaft manages your tuition fees and ensures that everyone can study in Witten with its Income Share Agreement (ISA) - regardless of their financial background.

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Zwei Wochen arbeiten auf dem Uni-eigenen Gemüse-Acker. Im Vordergrund ist eine gemauerte Kräuterspirale zu sehen.

Sustainability Networking Centre

The Sustainability Networking Centre at UW/H coordinates all sustainability projects and promotes the sustainable development of our university.

Eine Frau sitzt vor ihrem PC und telefoniert dabei.

Central Student Counselling Service

Our Student Support Team can answer questions about your desired degree programme, the application process and other matters relating to studying in Witten.

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