"You just need time for that"

Limits and possibilities of participatory research with family carers of people with dementia

Project overview

Family carers of people with dementia are a vulnerable group due to the particularly stressful and time-consuming care situation at home. A participatory research approach is advantageous in order to better consider their needs and support potential. However, there is little knowledge about a participatory research approach specifically adapted for this group that takes into account their domestic and time-intensive (care) situation. The aim of the research project is therefore to develop an empirical concept for the appropriate inclusion of family carers of people with dementia in research in order to do justice to their expertise and special roles in the care arrangement. This will be carried out in close co-operation with the target group.

Further information

  • Duration: 02/2023 - 12/2024
  • Funding: The project is internally funded by Witten/Herdecke University.
  • Responsible: Chair of Nursing Science

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