UW/H accredited by the German Council of Science and Humanities for the first time for a maximum period of ten years

Two buildings of the UW/H. In the foreground the new building, in the background the main building.

Outstanding news at the beginning of the year: the German Council of Science and Humanities has accredited Witten/Herdecke University (UW/H) for the first time for a maximum period of ten years and has also granted it the right to award doctorates for the same period. In doing so, it has confirmed the excellent quality of UW/H and confirmed that its achievements in teaching and research meet recognised academic standards.

This is the fourth time that the UW/H has undergone institutional accreditation by the German Council of Science and Humanities (2005, 2011, 2018 and 2024). In the current procedure, it recognises the positive development since 2018 and the challenging institutional restructuring process at UW/H. Among other things, it emphasised that since its foundation, the university has repeatedly succeeded in introducing innovative elements into the design of studies and teaching, which have often served as models for other universities. The combination of specialised studies and fundamental studies, in which students look beyond their own subject boundaries and grow as personalities, characterises the UW/H. "With its characteristic academic profile, it responds convincingly to social and academic requirements," the statement from the German Council of Science and Humanities reads. In addition, it has a good to very good supervision ratio in all departments. In addition to the great commitment of the students, the Council of Science and Humanities was also impressed by the high level of student participation in university development and quality assurance processes and projects.

Intensive work on the further development of the university

"Many, many colleagues from all parts of the university and from our cooperating clinics have worked with dedication over the past few years on the further development of our university and on implementing the requirements and recommendations of the Science Council," said President Prof Dr Martin Butzlaff. "We are committed every day to providing young people with a holistic education in innovative study programmes and models and to offering them a space for development in which they can grow professionally and personally. It is a great pleasure that this team effort by the university community has now also been fully recognised by the German Council of Science and Humanities!"

In its assessment, the Science Council only made a few recommendations - among other things, the UW/H should make cross-disciplinary and cross-faculty research priorities more visible in practice through joint projects and participate more in competitive research funding programmes. The Science Council also encourages the university to maintain and further develop nursing science.

Recognising what has been achieved - an incentive for the future

"After five years of intensive restructuring work and the simultaneous growth course with high quality standards, this result is impressive: The vote of the Science Council honours what has been achieved so far and creates an excellent basis for the future development of the university," says Prof. Dr Hans-Christian Pape, Chairman of the UW/H Supervisory Board. "At the same time, we will not rest on our laurels, but see it as an incentive to face the tasks ahead with the same level of commitment."

Science Minister Ina Brandes: "Witten/Herdecke University is a valuable building block in the strong university landscape of North Rhine-Westphalia. As the state government, we are also delighted about this success for the university because together we can train even more urgently needed doctors."


Further information on the reaccreditation procedure

The institutional accreditation of non-state universities by the German Council of Science and Humanities has been carried out since 2001 and is a quality assurance procedure in which it is examined whether the performance of a non-state university in teaching and research meets recognised scientific standards. The results of the 111-page report will now be discussed in detail in the university committees and faculties as well as with the state government in order to subsequently be incorporated into UW/H's strategic planning. Further information on the reaccreditation procedure and the assessment of the UW/H by the Science Council can be obtained Dirk Wirth. The complete statement can be found on the website of the German Council of Science and Humanities.

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Svenja Kloos

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