Faculty of Management, Economics and Society

    Your Master's degree in PPE - Philosophy, Politics and Economics


    Your goal: to change the world for the better as a leader in business, politics and society. You will only be successful in the long term if you learn to actively change perspectives. Only then will you be able to make qualified decisions for business and politics that meet ethical standards. In the international PPE Master's degree programme, you will achieve this goal together with students from all over the world with a wide range of professional backgrounds.

    Study PPE - Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Witten/Herdecke University

    Our Master's degree programme PPE - Philosophy, Politics and Economics is the right choice for you if ...
    The main details at a glance
    Study contents

    The awards of the degree programme

    You learn intensively in small groups
    You improve your interdisciplinary thinking
    You adapt your study profile to your interests
    Semester abroad? Benefit from our network!

    Since 1984, we have been educating the leaders and changemakers of tomorrow at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Society. Here you can find the opinions of former students of Witten/Herdecke University:

    Stefania Andriolo, PPE Graduate, Consultant, Finance, Frankfurt
    Alongside my studies, I got involved in different student initiatives where I took a real part in society and
    developed a lot – professionally and personally
    Stefania Andriolo, Philosophy, Politics and Economics (M. A.) Graduate, Consultant, Finance, Frankfurt
    Diego Tuzman, PPE Graduate, Consultant World Bank, Montevideo, Uruguay
    The Studium fundamentale was amazing! Studying things far away from my major with students from all disciplines was very eye-opening for me.
    Diego Tuzman, Philosophy, Politics and Economics (M. A.) Graduate, Consultant World Bank, Montevideo (Uruguay)
    Raphael Landua
    At Witten you are the entrepreneur of your studies, which helped prepare me for my current leadership
    Raphael Landua, Philosophy, Politics and Economics (M. A.) Graduate, Head of Staff, Politics, Berlin
    Waidi Adebayo, Graduate - Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (M.A.)
    It is this potpourri of ideas and people that makes Witten/Herdecke a great place and actually the university of the future.
    Waidi Adebayo, Philosophy, Politics and Economics (M. A.) Graduate, PhD student in the field of developmental economics at Witten/Herdecke University
    Katharina Sperling, Philosophy, Politics and Economics (M. A.) Graduate, Job Integration Coach in Münster, Germany
    To deepen my understanding of the interrelations between Politics, Economics and also Philosophy the PPE Master at Witten/Herdecke University offered a programme with topics that caught my interest immediately.
    Katharina Sperling, Philosophy, Politics and Economics (M. A.) Graduate, Job Integration Coach in Münster, Germany
    Ayesha Keller, Graduate - Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (M.A.)
    During my PPE studies I was very interested in
    internationalisation. I quickly took a lot of responsibility and initiative in this area, which led to me being in the position I am in right now.
    Ayesha Keller, Philosophy, Politics and Economics (M. A.) Graduate, Head of International Office at Witten/Herdecke University
    Cal Davenport, Graduate - Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (M.A.)
    In Witten, the professors go out with the students and everybody gets together and talks about ways to improve the program. It’s everybody involved in a conversation.
    Cal Davenport, Philosophy, Politics and Economics (M. A.)
    Graduate, Political consulting, Data Department,
    Grand Rapids (USA)
    Milad Mosalanejad, PPE Student at Witten/Herdecke University
    In Witten, I have the opportunity to study with students from many different countries. I really enjoy that we are often working in groups – it offers great practice for taking on tasks in international teams.
    Milad Mosalanejad, Philosophy, Politics and Economics (M. A.) Student

    Alle Bewertungen lesen

    PPE Master's degree with top scores at StudyCHECK.de

    Regular evaluations on StudyCheck reveal: Students in the subject of
    M. A. Philosophy, Politics, and Economics in Witten highly recommend their degree programme to others.

    You learn in a highly effective way in small groups

    We believe that in order to achieve the best possible standards in your studies, you need to experience intensive exchange and a lively culture of discussion. This is only possible in small learning groups. The courses in the fields of management, economics and society are therefore limited to 25 participants.

    You think outside the box

    At Witten/Herdecke University, you not only enjoy the freedom to structure your studies yourself. We expressly encourage you to expand your knowledge in areas outside of your field of study. Because we believe that striving for truth is only possible through open discourse and changes of perspective.

    You can join exciting events

    Events of all kinds take place on the campus of Witten/Herdecke University throughout the year. Interesting personalities visit the campus in Witten for conferences such as the Family Business Congress or the international sustainability events PPE Conference or the oikos Winter School. You can get to know future employers in a casual context at our "Heiratsmarkt", a recruitment fair. Many exciting lectures and cultural events round off our offer. Do you want to help shape the programme and gain experience in organising events? Then you've come to the right place - at Witten/Herdecke University we value your input and commitment!

    You take on responsibility and actively shape things

    We want to educate you professionally and personally in such a way that you can take on social responsibility after your studies. Over 50 student initiatives with an impact on university life prove it: our concept works!

    You study at a sustainable university

    As a student at Witten/Herdecke University, you are building your very own personal foundation to change society in a sustainable way. For this process, we want to offer you a place that is itself committed to sustainability, both in teaching and campus life, as well as in campus design. One example is the "Zukunftsraum", the wood hybrid extension building with over 300 study spaces, which is unique in its form in Germany. By the way: students were actively involved in the entire process from planning to implementation!

    You become part of a first-class network

    Students at Witten/Herdecke University have a special connection with each other - extending far beyond their time as students. Our alumni form a network from which you can already benefit as a student - for example through lectures, workshops or mentoring programmes.

    At Witten/Herdecke University, you will complete around 10% of your course work in the Studium fundamentale. Whether it be the choir, communication and conflict management or fine arts: over 100 classes from a wide range of subject areas bring students from all degree programmes together and open up new perspectives on your environment - and yourself.

    The Studium fundamentale at Witten/Herdecke University At Witten/Herdecke University, you will complete about 10% of your studies in the Studium fundamentale.

    May we introduce to you? Your practice companies

    A selection of our practice partners who are closely connected with the university and its institutes - and soon with you as well!

    You may soon be working with these practice partners

    UW/H partner logos

    Family trees and bank statements don't impress us. You convince us with your talent and your personality. Witten/Herdecke University offers all students fair financing options - from fixed direct payment to income-related repayment. After all, we want everyone to have the chance to benefit from an excellent education, regardless of their social and financial background. It is important to us that you know the following: Studying in Witten is an investment in your future.

    This is why your tuition fees are worth it
    The right financing model for you - with the StudierendenGesellschaft's Income Share Agreement

    Visa requirements

    Check visa and financial proof

    To avoid disappointment later on, please find out whether you need a visa and what requirements you have to fulfil. If you want to study with us, you may be required to provide financial proof when applying for a visa, showing you have the finances to pay:

    • accomodation
    • living expenses
    • health insurance
    • etc.

    Check out more detailed information on visa requirements and regulations.

    Start your application process by filling in the following form and then confirming the email that we will send to you. You will then receive all the information you need for your application.

    Chart of the application process at Witten/Herdecke University

    By checking the box and submitting your request, you are consenting to the processing of your personal data according to the data privacy agreement for the purpose of processing your request. You can revoke your consent to the processing of the personal data you provided at any time by sending an email to study@uni-wh.de or to the email address provided in the legal notice at the bottom of the page.

    After submitting the form, you will receive an email from us with a confirmation link. We will only receive your details once you have clicked on the confirmation link.
    Fields marked with * are required.
    The sustainable extension building of Witten/Herdecke University

    (Photo: UW/H | Johannes Buldmann)

    1 / 4

    Curriculum, application process, taster seminars - no matter which questions you have, just send us an email or give us a call, we're here for you!

    Student Support Team

    Our student support team is happy to answer your questions about Witten/Herdecke University, the degree programmes and the application process, as well as any other questions you may have about studying in Witten.

    Feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We can also arrange an appointment for a video call!

    You can reach the student support team by phone from
    Monday – Friday between 9am – 3pm CET/CEST (German time).

    This is how you can reach the Admission Office and the programme coordinators:

    Are there tuition fees?

    Yes. Witten/Herdecke is a private University and therefore asks the students for a financial contribution. However, studying in Witten is not a question of money! Witten implemented the reverse generational contract (RGC), which means everyone, regardless of financial recourses, is able to study at Witten/Herdecke University. 

    Where can I find scholarships?

    The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides a scholarship database with information on their own scholarships, scholarships from party-related foundations as well as offers from business-affiliated institutions

    Are there any German classes that I can enrol into so that I can work on my German language skills?

    UW/H offers weekly German courses for non-native speakers. The courses are aimed at international students and doctoral candidates (regular enrolment and participants in exchange programmes).

    The courses offered include general language courses at four different levels:

    • German as a Foreign Language A1
    • German as a Foreign Language A2
    • German as a Foreign Language B1
    • German as a Foreign Language B2

    If you are interested in taking German classes, please send your course wish to international-incoming@uni-wh.de until 1 September (winter semester) or 1 March (summer semester).

    Are there clubs / student associations at the University offering extra-curricular activities or sports that I can join?

    In Witten, many students are active in various student initiatives besides their curriculum.

    International students are welcome to join the Erasmus Student Network Witten/Herdecke.

    An overview of many other initiatives that might be interesting for you is found on the German University website.

    The Hochschulwerk e.V. offers a large variety of sport courses free of charge. Among them are football, tennis, body workout, dance classes and many more. Students can also join the sport programme at the Ruhr University Bochum.

    What is the academic calendar? When are semester breaks?

    The summer term begins on April 1st and officially ends on the September 30th. However, seminars are over by the end of July and exams usually take place within the first two weeks after the courses have ended.

    The winter term begins on October 1st and ends on March 31st. The seminars will be over by the end of January, exams usually take place within the first two weeks after the courses have ended.

    Please bear in mind that you will also need to calculate time in to write your term papers and the exam dates and deadlines can vary from class to class, depending on the teaching staff.

    How do I find accommodation in Witten / Are there student dormitories available?

    As Witten/Herdecke University does not have a student dormitory, all exchange students are responsible for securing their own living accommodations in Witten themselves. Current offers (rooms, apartments) are best found online using websites like www.wg-gesucht.de.

    Please note:
    The earlier you start with your apartment search, the easier it is to find a place that suits your needs!

    Contact & help:
    If you need any assistance in finding housing, please contact the Erasmus Student Network Witten or international-incoming@uni-wh.de.

    How do I open a bank account in Germany?

    Online-based banks are worth looking into as they do not need as much paper work. For a German bank account, you need your certificate of enrolment, visa and proof of registration with the local municipality. For questions and support contact esn@uni-wh.de

    Can I use public transport for free as a student?

    Every student who enrols at Witten/Herdecke University has to pay the so-called “semester ticket”. This semester ticket allows you to use all local public transportation in North-Rhine-Westphalia. The local public transport includes city and regional buses, subways, trams, and regional trains of the Deutsche Bahn, except the fast IC/ICE trains.

    What payment options do you offer?

    The StudierendenGesellschaft (SG) enables students to finance their studies regardless of financial backgrounds.

    The SG offers three ways to pay for your studies at UW/H:

    • Income-related repayment
    • Fixed direct payment
    • Later and direct payment by halves

    Do I need health insurance when studying in Germany? If so, what should I look for?

    All international students who enrol at Witten/Herdecke University must have proof of health insurance that covers their study time in Germany.

    There are several options for international students. If you would like a recommendation, you’re welcome to contact the ESN Witten/Herdecke Network: esn@uni-wh.de.

    Students from EUROPE with a COMPULSORY health insurance in their home country:

    Students from EWR/EU-countries and students from countries with which Germany has a social insurance treaty (former Yugoslavian states, Switzerland, Turkey, Tunesia) need to show one of the two following documents:

    • the Form AT/11; E111; E128 (International Foreign Medical Insurance Record Card) issued by your local medical insurance in your country


    • a copy of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by your local medical insurance in your country;

    Students from EUROPE with a PRIVATE health insurance in their home country & students from NON-EUROPEAN COUNTRIES

    These students must either obtain a health insurance through a German compulsory health insurer or buy a private health insurance for their time of studies in Germany:

    • German compulsory health insurance through a state health insurer of their choice: Student rates range at 100 EUR/month. The advantage is that the insurance covers you for all medical and basic dental treatments and hospitalization and you pay nothing on top. If you are interested in information on a German compulsory health insurance, please contact: international-office@uni-wh.de
    • Private health insurance policy that covers you while studying in Witten. Please note that a travel insurance is not sufficient. The private insurance must cover you for a residential stay in Germany.

    Attention: Students with a foreign or private health insurance for Germany need to be released from the German compulsory health insurance requirement. For the enrolment procedure it is extremely important that you send us a scan of your proof of health insurance and the respective form for an exemption from the German compulsory health insurance by September 1 for an enrolment to Winter Semester or March 1 for an enrolment for Summer Semester respectively. If this information reaches us later than the date mentioned, the issuing of the university’s SmartCard including the Semesterticket (public transport pass) might be delayed!

    Please note that this release from the insurance requirement cannot be withdrawn and is valid for the entire time of study in Germany. Students released from the national insurance requirements must arrange in advance for reimbursement of potentially high medical costs from their private health insurer. Please check carefully in advance, which insurance coverage your private health insurer is offering.

    Are there language classes offered apart from German language courses?

    Yes, Witten/Herdecke University is co-operating with the language centre at Ruhr University Bochum. The language courses are free of charge. All students at Witten/Herdecke University will receive an e-mail regarding the language courses at the beginning of each semester.

    How does a typical study week look like?

    Each programme is slightly different but for a Masters degree you will have around 12 hours contact time in the form of seminars, per week. The rest of the time is used for independent study, preparation, reading and study groups. As a student in Witten you are given the freedom to create your own personalised timetable.

    The curriculum structure for each programme can be found on the programme specific page on the website.

    What can I do, if I have personal issues and need support?

    For academic related support, you can speak to your professors. All professors offer an open-door policy. You can also contact the international office or a member of the ESN team if you have any questions.

    For personal issues you can contact:

    Diversity Committee

    diversity@uni-wh.de are the first point of contact for personal issues and discrimination at the university.

    Frauenhaus Bochum (Women’s support center)

    Phone: +49 234 / 501034
    E-Mail: frauenhaus@caritas-bochum.de

    Staff speaks English, French and Polish.

    White Ring Ennepe-Ruhr-Circle
    Aid association for victims of crime and violence.
    Phone: 0151 / 55164777

    Biographical Counselling
    Furthermore, the University offers biographical counselling for students. It’s offered in English and German.
    E-Mail: biographiearbeit@uni-wh.de


    What are important contacts to know?

    Local student initiative:

    The Erasmus Student Network Witten/Herdecke (ESN) offers support, activities and trips for international students: esn@uni-wh.de

    The International Office:

    E-Mail:   international-incoming@uni-wh.de
    Rooms:  E.133 & E.132

    How do I register when I arrive at Witten?

    Once in Germany, all international students must register with the City of Witten within two weeks (Please ask your landlord for an official document, in which he/she confirms your address).

    For non-EU citizens:

    Step 1: Please go first to the "Ausländerbehörde” (Ordnungsamt) in the Witten town hall.

    Step 2: After having obtained the "Aufenthaltsbewilligung", all international students must register downstairs with the Resident Registration Office (“Bürgerberatung”).

    The following items are required:

    • valid passport or identification card
    • certificate of registration at Witten/Herdecke University / confirmation of student status at the University of Witten /Herdecke
    • proof of sufficient financial resources for Germany
    • proof of health insurance coverage in Germany
    • 2 passport-sized photos
    • registration fee for the residence permit


    Ordnungsamt – Ausländerbehörde
    Rathaus/Town Hall Witten, basement
    Markstraße 16, 58449 Witten
    Tel: (+49) (0)2302 / 5813379

    Office hours:
    Monday 08.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.
    Tuesday 08.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. & 02.00 p.m. – 04.00 p.m.
    Wednesday closed
    Thursday 08.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.
    Friday 08.00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m.

    Rathaus/Town Hall Witten, basement
    Markstraße 16, 58449 Witten
    Tel: (+49) (0)2302 / 581-3379 or (+49) (0)2302 / 581-1234

    Office hours:

    Monday 08.00 a.m. – 05.00 p.m.
    Tuesday 08.00 a.m. – 05.00 p.m.
    Wednesday 08.00 a.m. – 01.00 p.m.
    Thursday 08.00 a.m. – 05.00 p.m.
    Friday 08.00 a.m. – 01.00 p.m.

    For students residing in a city other than Witten: Please contact the local authorities accordingly. If you would like to receive support with any of these matters, please contact esn@uni-wh.de and they will arrange for someone to accompany you.


    For EU citizens:

    Step 1: Please go first to the "Ausländerbehörde” (Ordnungsamt) in the Witten town hall.

    Step 2: After having obtained the "Aufenthaltsbewilligung", all international students must register downstairs with the Resident Registration Office (“Bürgerberatung”).

    Both offices, Amt für Ausländerangelegenheiten and Bürgerberatung are located in the Witten town hall (address see below).

    The following items are required:

    • valid passport or identification card
    • certificate of registration at Witten/Herdecke University / confirmation of student status at the University of Witten /Herdecke
    • proof of sufficient financial resources for Germany
    • proof of health insurance coverage in Germany

    Ordnungsamt – Ausländerbehörde
    Rathaus/Town Hall Witten, basement
    Markstraße 16, 58449 Witten
    Tel: (+49) (0)2302 / 5813379

    Office hours:
    Monday 08.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.
    Tuesday 08.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. & 02.00 p.m. – 04.00 p.m.
    Wednesday closed
    Thursday 08.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.
    Friday 08.00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m.

    Rathaus/Town Hall Witten, basement
    Markstraße 16, 58449 Witten
    Tel: (+49) (0)2302 / 581-3379 or (+49) (0)2302 / 581-1234

    Office hours:
    Monday 08.00 a.m. – 05.00 p.m.
    Tuesday 08.00 a.m. – 05.00 p.m.
    Wednesday 08.00 a.m. – 01.00 p.m.
    Thursday 08.00 a.m. – 05.00 p.m.
    Friday 08.00 a.m. – 01.00 p.m.

    For students residing in a city other than Witten: Please contact the local authorities accordingly. If you would like to receive support with any of these matters, please contact esn@uni-wh.de and they will arrange for someone to accompany you.

    What are the requirements to stay in Witten after graduation?

    If you would like to pursue a career in Germany, our career service is happy to help. They offer traineeship postings, entry-level job ads and other recruiting services. After your graduation you can apply (with your graduation certificate) for a one year bridge visa, which allows you to search for a job. This visa can be extended for six months. Please find further information on the Website of Germany’s Federal Foreign Office regarding visa requirements.

    Die Universität Witten/Herdecke ist durch das NRW-Wissenschaftsministerium staatlich anerkannt und wird – sowohl als Institution wie auch für ihre einzelnen Studiengänge – regelmäßig akkreditiert durch: