Faculty of Management, Economics and Society

    Your Global Sustainability Bachelor's Degree

    Does your heart lie with the environment of the world, leaving you to seek the anchor in making a change? Then the degree programme Global Sustainability: Climate, Justice, Transformation is the right choice for you. It focuses on sustainability, transformation and global justice at the intersection of politics and economics, both theoretically and practically. Learn how to solve problems and to transcend disciplinary boundaries. We will provide you with the tools for your mission to make our earth sustainable.

    B.A. Global Sustainability student at Witten/Herdecke University
    Study B.A. Global Sustainability at Witten/Herdecke University (Photo: UW/H | Johannes Buldmann)

    Our Global Sustainability degree programme is the right choice for you if ...
    The main details at a glance
    Study contents

    The awards of the degree programme

    You learn intensively in small groups
    The degree programme offers a high level of practical orientation
    Whether it be a career or a Master's degree - you are well prepared
    You structure your studies yourself
    Semester abroad? Benefit from our partner network!

    With the Bachelor of Choice, we offer you the full flexibility to tailor your studies according to your wishes. All Bachelor's degree programmes at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Society are interconnected. If you realise within the first year that your chosen degree programme is not the right fit for you after all: that's no problem, you can simply change to another degree programme within the Bachelor of Choice model. All your achievements will be transferred. You have nothing to lose - neither credits nor time!

    Since 1984, we have been educating the leaders and changemakers of tomorrow at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Society. Here you can find the opinions of lecturers from Witten/Herdecke University:

    Study at Witten/Herdecke University: Joachim Zweynert, lecturer in the Global Sustainability degree programme
    A sustainable transformation can only succeed globally. In our Bachelor's degree programme, people from all over the world learn together how to develop adequate solutions.
    Univ.-Prof. Dr Joachim Zweynert, teaches the module "Climate Change: Between the Natural Sciences and Politics"
    Study at Witten/Herdecke University: Magdalene Silberberger, lecturer in the Global Sustainability degree programme
    Politics, economics and society urgently need changemakers who think and implement the topic of sustainability in a socially just and scientifically sound way.
    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Magdalene Silberberger, teaches the module "Sustainable Tranformation in Different Sectors"
    You learn in a highly effective way in small groups

    We believe that in order to achieve the best possible standards in your studies, you need to experience intensive exchange and a lively culture of discussion. This is only possible in small learning groups. The courses in the fields of management, economics and society are therefore limited to 25 participants.

    You think outside the box

    At Witten/Herdecke University, you not only enjoy the freedom to structure your studies yourself. We expressly encourage you to expand your knowledge in areas outside of your field of study. Because we believe that striving for truth is only possible through open discourse and changes of perspective.

    Your studies adapt to you as you change

    You don't want to commit right away? No problem: with the Bachelor of Choice you have the opportunity to change your subject while studying. All Bachelor's degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Management, Economics and Society are interconnected. Within the first year, you have the opportunity to change your degree programme without losing credits and time.

    You take on responsibility and actively shape things

    We want to educate you professionally and personally in such a way that you can take on social responsibility after your studies. Over 50 student initiatives with an impact on university life prove it: our concept works!

    You study at a sustainable university

    As a student at Witten/Herdecke University, you are building your very own personal foundation to change society in a sustainable way. For this process, we want to offer you a place that is itself committed to sustainability, both in teaching and campus life, as well as in campus design. One example is the "Zukunftsraum", the wood hybrid extension building with over 300 study spaces, which is unique in its form in Germany. By the way: students were actively involved in the entire process from planning to implementation!

    You become part of a first-class network

    Students at Witten/Herdecke University have a special connection with each other - extending far beyond their time as students. Our alumni form a network from which you can already benefit as a student - for example through lectures, workshops or mentoring programmes.

    At Witten/Herdecke University, you will complete around 10% of your course work in the Studium fundamentale. Whether it be the choir, communication and conflict management or fine arts: over 100 classes from a wide range of subject areas bring students from all degree programmes together and open up new perspectives on your environment - and yourself.

    The Studium fundamentale at Witten/Herdecke University At Witten/Herdecke University, you will complete about 10% of your studies in the Studium fundamentale.

    May we introduce to you? Your practice companies

    A selection of our practice partners who are closely connected with the university and its institutes - and soon with you as well!

    You may soon be working with these practice partners

    UW/H partner logos

    Family trees and bank statements don't impress us. You convince us with your talent and your personality. Witten/Herdecke University offers all students fair financing options - from fixed direct payment to income-related repayment. After all, we want everyone to have the chance to benefit from an excellent education, regardless of their social and financial background. It is important to us that you know the following: Studying in Witten is an investment in your future.

    This is why your tuition fees are worth it
    The right financing model for you - with the StudierendenGesellschaft's Income Share Agreement

    Information & Application

    This study programme requires German language skills (C1 CEFR).
    Find out more about the study programme:

    The sustainable extension building of Witten/Herdecke University

    (Photo: UW/H | Johannes Buldmann)

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    Curriculum, application process, taster seminars - no matter which questions you have, just send us an email or give us a call, we're here for you!

    Student Support Team

    Our student support team is happy to answer your questions about Witten/Herdecke University, the degree programmes and the application process, as well as any other questions you may have about studying in Witten.

    Feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We can also arrange an appointment for a video call!

    You can reach the student support team by phone from
    Monday – Friday between 9am – 3pm CET/CEST (German time).

    This is how you can reach the Admission Office and the programme coordinators:

    Die Universität Witten/Herdecke ist durch das NRW-Wissenschaftsministerium staatlich anerkannt und wird – sowohl als Institution wie auch für ihre einzelnen Studiengänge – regelmäßig akkreditiert durch: