Umoyo wa Ana Athu

(Our children's health)

Project overview

The increase in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) among children and adolescents poses a major challenge for public health in Malawi. The health care system, already under a heavy burden, must rise to the challenge of meeting evolving health needs. Currently, there are no specific guidelines for the treatment of NCDs in children; existing protocols are designed for adults. This creates a significant gap in care for younger populations.

The aim of the project is to develop and implement national paediatric NCD management guidelines, a corresponding app and training materials. Medical staff from six health centres, six district hospitals and four central hospitals are to be trained in this way. Initially, six of Malawi's 28 districts are involved. By building capacity, the project aims to improve the skills of health personnel in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of paediatric NCDs.

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