Theory and practice of the entrepreneurial family and the family business
Practical publication with contribution by Prof Dr Thomas Clauß and Marc André Scheffler
Project overview
It was a special honour that Prof. Dr Thomas Clauß and Marc André Scheffler were able to contribute a chapter to the book "Theorie und Praxis der Unternehmerfamilie und des Familienunternehmens", which was published in 2021 as a commemorative publication in honour of Prof. Dr Arist von Schlippe's life's work. Arist von Schlippe is well-known, professionally recognised and respected in the community of family business researchers. With this volume, long-standing research colleagues, companions and friends honour the great achievements of Arist von Schlippe and show the traces he has left behind in this field over 15 years. The chapter contributed by Thomas Clauß and Marc André Scheffler deals, among other things, with the impact of Arist's research on conflicts in family businesses and their effects on the digital transformation of the company.
Further information
Contact us
Dr. Hon. Prof.
Tom Rüsen
Managing Director
Faculty of Management, Economics and Society (Department of Management and Entrepreneurship) | Witten Institute for Family Business (WIFU)
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58455 WittenRoom number: 1.053.1