The diffusion of wars of independence

Project overview

At a global level, the desire for self-determination of ethnic groups has been the most frequent cause of armed conflict between 1945 and the present day. In this research project, we are investigating the circumstances under which the peaceful or violent resolution of secessionist conflicts leads to further conflicts in the same country. Representatives of ethnic minorities learn from the behaviour of the government towards other movements. If governments make compromises with violent secessionist groups, this can be seen by third parties as a reward for violent strategies and lead to further conflicts. However, violent attempts at repression by governments can also lead to further conflicts.

Further information


Project management

Portrait photo of Prof Dr Nils-Christian Bormann

Prof. Dr.

Nils Bormann


Faculty of Management, Economics and Society (Department of Philosophy, Politics and Economics)  |  Professorship of International Political Studies

Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58455 Witten

Room number: 1.230