The art of listening
How does non-judgemental listening affect well-being?
Sufficient knowledge of German is required for participation in the study. Please visit the German page to find out how you can participate.
Project management
Prof. Dr. med.
Tobias Esch
Institute management
Faculty of Health | Institute for Integrative Health Care and Health Promotion
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 48
58455 WittenRoom number: 2.021
Project coordination
Nicole Jankovic
Research assistant
Faculty of Health (School of Medicine) | Institute for Integrative Health Care and Health Promotion
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 48
58455 WittenRoom number: NB-1.043
Dr. rer. oec. Dr. rer. medic.
Maren Michaelsen
Research management
Faculty of Health (School of Medicine) | Institute for Integrative Health Care and Health Promotion
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 48
58455 WittenRoom number: 2.020