Found 174 results.
UW/H professor advises the German government on global environmental issues
Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv). Jörg E. Drewes, Professor of Environmental Engineering, Head of the Chair and Research Centre for Urban Water [...] Department of Biodiversity and Man at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig, and Professor of Ecosystem Services at the University of [...] University of Bonn. Kai Maaz, Managing Director of the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education (DIPF) and Professor of Sociology specialising ...
Medical data in the digital age: DIM.RUHR focuses on promoting expertise
data effectively and comprehensively to improve research and care Whether in cancer or dementia research - in many medical fields, digital health data offers [...] passed the Health Data Use Act (GDNG). It is intended to link healthcare and research more closely at the data level. This makes the "DIM.RUHR" science project [...] use of health data. In order to effectively utilise the potential for research and healthcare, both scientists and healthcare providers must be trained ...
How can the progression of kidney disease be slowed down or prevented?
Todorov is researching new therapeutic approaches and drugs that can restore and maintain kidney function: "A lot has happened in kidney research over the [...] competitive third-party funding for his research. Studies are currently underway, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), which are focussing on [...] the central question that Prof Dr Dr Vladimir Todorov deals with in his research. He has now been appointed to the Chair of Physiology and Pathophysiology ...
Jan Röer
Lejla Alikadiç Research assistant Stefanie Richthofer Research assistant Franca Grafe Student assistant Sofia Meißner Student assistant Emily Seeligmüller ...
Rolf Lefering
Epidemiology (GMDS) Section "Surgical Research" of the German Society of Surgery Surgical Association for Clinical Research in Europe (SACRE) Association for [...] Clinical research Planning and evaluation of clinical studies Outcome evaluation (target values, follow-up data; TISS) Quality of life (development/validation [...] (DFG: NE 385 / 5-1 to 5-4); Member of the DGU Polytrauma Working Group Research consortia "Neurotrauma NRW" (BMBF: 01 KO 9808/5) Head of the office In...
Johannes Michalak
psychological psychotherapist Dr Franziska Kessemeier Research assistant Dr Maria Velana Research assistant Agatha Dampc M. A. Secretariat Prices 2023: ...
Magdalene Silberberger
institutions became the focus of research as important determinants of growth and development. Since then, researchers have been trying to find out which [...] The research centres on determinants of and obstacles to growth and development processes. The focus is on questions of institutional conditions, international [...] ies through trade and investment, and sustainable development. Current research topics of the professorship: Trade policy Focal points include non-tariff ...
Jan Ehlers
Professor Julia Nitsche, MSc, research assistant Assistant Jan Smetana, M.A. research assistant Vivian Lüdorf, M.A. research associate Assistant Paul Tingelhoff [...] Teaching and learning research in the context of example-based and case-based learning Development, implementation and evaluation of electronic learning [...] Basic learning seminar Captain, my Captain Tuesdays with Morrie Educational research University didactics Tertiary education Human-Animal Studies Planetary ...
Ulf Kallweit
wakefulness Environmental influences on neurological (sleep) disorders Awards Research Award, Pfizer Foundation, Switzerland: Award in the category " Neuroscience [...] (2020) 2021: Fellow, European Academy of Neurology (EAN) 2021: 1st Prize Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Franco-Regli-Foundation (CH) 2019: Nakano [...] Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) (USA) 2018: Research Prize; Italian Narcolepsy Association (AIN) (IT) Memberships and current ...
Arndt Büssing
The research activities can be summarised in two main subject areas: a) Spirituality as a resource and spiritual needs b) Non-pharmacological interventions [...] and eurythmy therapy). The aim of the professorship is interprofessional research into the complex interrelationships that contribute to healing and recovery [...] their lives - possibly even with existing disease symptoms. Studies and research projects: Pausing in awe and gratitude and experiencing nature: The frequency ...