Ressources and Disorders in Social Networks (SocNet)

Project overview

How do structural and functional aspects of social networks affect health and illness? Our research specialisation lies in the adaptation of the hierarchical network mapping technique (Kahn & Antonucci, 1980) for psychological diagnostics. In particular, we are interested in resource-adapted relationships (support networks) as well as disorder-adapted relationships (e.g. anxiety, craving networks).

In addition to the size of the social networks, their social composition, innovation and sustainability as well as the frequency of contact with the network members are important. Moderators and mediators include positive social support, social negativity and the system-related and psychological level of functioning.

We have now developed the social network diagnostics as an app. The app version facilitates evaluation, feedback and use in online research projects as well as in digital therapy and counselling services. It can also be requested as a scenic tool for face-to-face work.

If you are interested in social network diagnostics for use in your research or in your practice, we look forward to hearing from you.

Poster for download

Further information

  • Duration: since 2019
  • Funding: own funds
  • Responsible: Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy III
  • Flyer about the study for download

Selected publications

Book (chapter)

Contact persons