Medical rehabilitation in times of SARS-CoV-2 (ReCoVer)

A mixed-method study on challenges and coping strategies from an intersectional multi-stakeholder perspective

Project overview

The COVID-19 pandemic and its effects are associated with numerous challenges for all stakeholders in rehabilitative care. The aim of the ReCoVer project was to identify good practice approaches from an intersectional multi-stakeholder perspective for overcoming challenges posed by pandemics in medical rehabilitation and to synthesise these into a catalogue of actions using a multi-stage consensus process.

The project utilised a mixed methods design combining qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The triangulated project results were used to develop a catalogue of actions for rehabilitation facilities that addresses possible pandemic-related problems and challenges at the level of (1) facility management, (2) employees and (3) (potential) rehabilitants and presents corresponding options for action to overcome them.

The ReCoVer action catalogue for overcoming pandemic-related challenges in medical rehabilitation from an intersectional multi-stakeholder perspective is available for download.

Further information

  • Duration: 10/2020 - 03/2023
  • Funding: German Federal Pension Insurance
  • Responsible: Chair of Health Care Research

Project management