Quality of life and ability to work after severe trauma (LeAf Trauma)

Project overview

Every year, around 30,000 people in Germany suffer a serious accident. Their acute treatment is very well recorded by the TraumaRegister DGU, but after discharge there are often severe and protracted consequences that impair quality of life and make it difficult to return to a normal life, including resuming appointments.

In a retrospective study with data from health insurance companies and a prospective follow-up study of more than 1,000 severely injured patients, factors that hinder or promote the return to a "normal" life are to be determined. In addition to many special aspects, the quality of life is also recorded using the trauma-specific TOP (Trauma Outcome Profile) scale. This was developed and validated at the Institute for Research in Operative Medicine (IFOM) at the UW/H. The study covers a period of up to 18 months after the accident.

Further information

Duration: 04/2022 - 03/2026

Funding: Innovation Fund/Care Committee

Responsible: Institute for Research in Operative Medicine (IFOM)

Project partners: AOK-Bundesverband GbR: Scientific Institute of the AOK (WIdO), Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, University Hospital Düsseldorf, University Hospital Essen

Further information can be found on the website of the Joint Federal Committee | Innovation Committee.

Project management UW/H