Prevention and health promotion for family carers (Diversity-On)

Development and evaluation of a diversity-sensitive online self-help programme to strengthen self-management using the example of people with a Turkish migration background

Project overview

Caring for a loved one can be physically and mentally stressful for family members and carers. Home care requires strengthening the resources and self-management skills of family carers in order to be able to preventively counter the heavy burdens resulting from caring responsibilities.

In order to address different diversity characteristics and living environments and to be able to create the best possible fit, a participatory and diversity-sensitive online self-help programme is being developed and evaluated in the project.

In this context, storytelling is a promising approach for strengthening health literacy, self-efficacy expectations and self-management skills. A mixed-methods design is used. It combines a participatory qualitative approach to the development of the storytelling intervention tool for use in online self-help groups with a qualitative process evaluation and a mixed-methods outcome evaluation. The project also utilises a broad dissemination strategy.

Further information

  • Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2025
  • Funding: Innovation fund of the Federal Joint Committee
  • Responsible: Chair of Health Care Research
  • Project partners: Alice Salomon University Berlin and Dementia Support Stuttgart

Project management

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