"Professional Identity and Coping Strategies of Carers in the Face of the Corona Crisis. Strengthening the nursing appointment as a response to social challenges in healthcare"

Project overview:

The BMBF project "Professional identity and coping strategies of carers in the face of the corona crisis. Strengthening the nursing profession in response to social challenges in healthcare" (PICo) is looking at the long-term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on inpatient care for the elderly.

Before the pandemic, there was already a shortage of staff and resources, which was exacerbated by the pandemic. It led to further staff shortages, increased deaths of residents, strict hygiene requirements and additional stress for care staff. Long-term illnesses due to psychological stress such as burnout, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression are on the rise.

Coping strategies must be used to reduce this stress. The PICo project aims to develop recommendations on how high-quality inpatient care for the elderly can be guaranteed even under high levels of stress. Both individual strategies and structural and social measures are considered.

Further information

News at PICo

About the PICo project:

What is it about?

What is the goal?

How is the goal to be achieved?


PICo project progress
Graphic of two essays, shown abstractly, on a blue background


All project publications are summarised in the university bibliography.

University bibliography

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