Foto eines Dirigenten der mit dem Rücken zum Publikum steht. Hinter ihm sitzt das Orchester und der Chor.

University Music

This is what our vibe sounds like!

Become part of our music community!

Choir and orchestra of Witten/Herdecke University

Music plays in Witten - and has been doing so for more than 30 years! The choir and orchestra began with university music director Ingo Ernst Reihl, who still heads both organisations today. Music sounds most beautiful when you make it together: the ensembles are made up of students, graduates and graduates, teaching staff, employees and friends of the UW/H.

Every semester, the university choir and orchestra put together a new concert programme and present it at the university's own events or at concert and event venues in the region. Take a look at our dates so you don't miss a single performance!

Are you passionate about music? Do you want to try your hand at it and awaken dormant talents? The choir and orchestra are always happy to welcome new members! You can join at the beginning of a semester or at the start of a new project. In addition to weekly rehearsals, there are full rehearsal days and weekends. Participation in our musical ensembles is part of the artistic programme offered by the WittenLab. Studium fundamentale future laboratory. If you would like to become part of our musical community, you will find all the necessary information on the choir and orchestra subpages.

We bring music to the big stage!

Nahaufnahme von Musiker:innen mit Streichinstrumenten.

University orchestra

Have you always wanted to be on the big stage and inspire people with your music? We'll make your dream come true! Whether violin, clarinet or trumpet - you and your instrument are welcome in the university orchestra! Make music together with other members of the UW/H. You can find all information about the programme and rehearsals here.

Play with us!

Foto eines Chors mit mehreren Sänger:innen, die Notenblätter in den Händen halten.

Uni choir

From soprano to bass: more than 200 members of the university community come together in the UW/H choir to sing and share their enthusiasm for music. Find out more about the current programme and the next rehearsal dates.

Sing with us!

University Music Director Ingo Ernst Reihl

Ingo Ernst Reihl is the face of the musical UW/H. As University Music Director, he has led the choir and orchestra of Witten/Herdecke University since its beginnings in 1989 and 1991 respectively. His artistic work not only characterises university life in Witten, but also radiates throughout the region and beyond.

Ein Dirigent steht vor einem Orchester. Im Hintergrund sitzt das Publikum.