We live social commitment
student initiatives
More than a university: space for your social & ecological ideas
Students at Witten/Herdecke University are characterised by their special social and ecological commitment. They have many ideas on how we can make society a little better and are now involved in over 70 student initiatives - and the number is growing all the time.
We attach great importance to offering our students the space and support they need to realise their passion projects and take on social responsibility. After all, studying is much more than just cramming - it's also about getting involved, standing up for a just society, gaining a variety of experiences and developing and strengthening your own personality. Find out more about how our students get involved outside the classroom and make a positive contribution!
The initiative laboratory at Witten/Herdecke University
The Initiative Lab at UW/H is the central point of contact for all students who want to set up a student initiative or get involved in any way. It is student-run and works together with the networking centre Sustainability on the sustainable development of the university. The Initiative Lab team has set itself the goal of strengthening student commitment to a fairer and more sustainable world in the long term at our university and in the city of Witten and making it more visible.
The Initiative Lab supports student engagement at the UW/H in the following areas:
Advisor for a successful initiative launch
The Initiativlabor is a contact point for existing initiatives or students who want to start a new initiative. The team organises workshops on relevant topics such as fundraising, knowledge transfer and accounting to successfully launch your initiative. The lab also organises exchange formats to learn from each other and overcome challenges together.
Together we are effective
The Initiativlabor team helps the initiatives to network with each other in order to support each other or utilise synergy effects. It also brings the projects together with municipal actors and civil society in Witten and with organisations and institutions outside the UW/H, such as netzwerk n, Green Office Movement & HOCH-N, in order to be visible and effective.
Commitment to a sustainable future
The Initiative Lab is committed to greater sustainability in teaching, research, campus operations and governance. It initiates and supports projects to improve sustainable development and sustainability reporting and participates in campaigns to improve the university's ecological footprint.
Advisor for a successful initiative launch
The Initiativlabor is a contact point for existing initiatives or students who want to start a new initiative. The team organises workshops on relevant topics such as fundraising, knowledge transfer and accounting to successfully launch your initiative. The lab also organises exchange formats to learn from each other and overcome challenges together.
Together we are effective
The Initiativlabor team helps the initiatives to network with each other in order to support each other or utilise synergy effects. It also brings the projects together with municipal actors and civil society in Witten and with organisations and institutions outside the UW/H, such as netzwerk n, Green Office Movement & HOCH-N, in order to be visible and effective.
Commitment to a sustainable future
The Initiative Lab is committed to greater sustainability in teaching, research, campus operations and governance. It initiates and supports projects to improve sustainable development and sustainability reporting and participates in campaigns to improve the university's ecological footprint.
What exactly is an initiative and how can I imagine getting involved in an initiative?
In an initiative, you volunteer to work with other students on a project on a specific topic. Our initiatives are very diverse and there are numerous options open to you - you can either join one of the existing initiatives or set up your own.
As a rule, initiatives are long-term projects that continue over changing generations of students. University groups of existing NGOs such as Amnesty or Greenpeace can also register as an initiative, provided that UW/H students are also involved.