Gain international expertise & experience abroad
Partner universities
Partner universities worldwide
Witten/Herdecke University cooperates with more than 70 partner universities on four continents. Our students have the opportunity to gain extensive international experience and shape their profile with stays abroad, double degree programmes and other forms of exchange with our foreign partner universities.
Exchange programmes for students at Witten/Herdecke University
Study abroad with EU funding
Students at Witten/Herdecke University can receive funding for their stay abroad at one of our partner universities in other EU countries as well as in Turkey, Norway and Iceland via the European Union's Erasmus+ programme. The financial support partially covers tuition fees and living expenses during the stay abroad.
Discover our partner universities in Switzerland
The Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) is based on the Erasmus programme. Students receive financial support for their stay abroad at one of our partner universities in Switzerland.
Around the world for your studies - discover the possibilities!
Witten/Herdecke University also supports stays abroad outside Europe. Depending on the country and partner university, there are various forms of support, such as reduced or no tuition fees at the foreign university or financial support through scholarships.
Prepare yourself for an international career
In some degree programmes, students can complete a double degree, i.e. a second degree at a partner university abroad. We currently offer the following double degree programmes:
- Degree programme PPÖ - Philosophy, Politics and Economics (B. A.)
Double degree at the University of Victoria in Canada. - Community Health Nursing (M. Sc.) degree programme
Master of Science Nursing or Master of Science Midwifery at the ZHAW in Winterthur, Switzerland. Double degree with the ZHAW.
Study abroad with EU funding
Students at Witten/Herdecke University can receive funding for their stay abroad at one of our partner universities in other EU countries as well as in Turkey, Norway and Iceland via the European Union's Erasmus+ programme. The financial support partially covers tuition fees and living expenses during the stay abroad.
Discover our partner universities in Switzerland
The Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) is based on the Erasmus programme. Students receive financial support for their stay abroad at one of our partner universities in Switzerland.
Around the world for your studies - discover the possibilities!
Witten/Herdecke University also supports stays abroad outside Europe. Depending on the country and partner university, there are various forms of support, such as reduced or no tuition fees at the foreign university or financial support through scholarships.
Prepare yourself for an international career
In some degree programmes, students can complete a double degree, i.e. a second degree at a partner university abroad. We currently offer the following double degree programmes:
- Degree programme PPÖ - Philosophy, Politics and Economics (B. A.)
Double degree at the University of Victoria in Canada. - Community Health Nursing (M. Sc.) degree programme
Master of Science Nursing or Master of Science Midwifery at the ZHAW in Winterthur, Switzerland. Double degree with the ZHAW.
Our partner universities
Partner universities in the field of dentistry, oral and maxillofacial medicine
Country, city | name of university | funding programme | weblink |
Austria, Vienna | Medical University of Vienna | Erasmus+ | www.meduniwien.ac.at |
France, Clermont-Ferrand | Université d'Auvergne | Erasmus+ | www.uca.fr |
France, Paris | Université Paris Cité | Erasmus+ | www.u-paris.fr |
Italy, Brescia | Universitá degli Studi di Brescia | Erasmus+ | www.unibs.it/it |
Spain, Barcelona | Universitat International de Catalunya | Erasmus+ | www.uic.es/en |
Partner universities in the field of medicine
Country, city | name of university | funding programme | weblink |
Czech Republic, Prague | Charles University | Erasmus+ | www.cuni.cz |
France, Saint-Etienne | Université Jean Monnet de Saint Etienne | Erasmus+ | www.univ-st-etienne.fr/en |
Italy, Siena | Università degli Studi di Siena | Erasmus+ | www.unisi.it/internazionale/international-exchange-student |
Italy, Turin | Università degli Studi di Torino | Erasmus+ | www.unito.it |
Poland, Warsaw | Medical University of Warsaw | Erasmus+ | www.wum.edu.pl/en |
Portugal, Coimbra | Universidade de Coimbra | Erasmus+ | www.uc.pt/en/iru |
South Africa, Stellenbosch | Universiteit van Stellenbosch | Global Programme | www.sun.ac.za |
Switzerland, Bern | University of Bern | SEMP | www.unibe.ch |
Turkey, Istanbul | Yeditepe University | Erasmus+ | www.yeditepe.edu.tr/en |
Partner universities in the fields of nursing science & community health nursing
Country, city | name of university | funding programme | weblink |
Switzerland, St. Gallen | OST - University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland | SEMP | www.ost.ch/de |
Switzerland, Winterthur | ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Double Degree | www.zhaw.ch/de/hochschule |
Partner universities in the field of psychology
Country, city | name of university | funding programme | weblink |
Austria, Klagenfurt | University of Klagenfurt | Erasmus+ | www.aau.at/international/ |
Cuba, Havana | Universidad de la Habana | Global Programme | www.uh.cu/inicio/ |
Cyprus, Nicosia | University of Cyprus | Erasmus+ | www.ucy.ac.cy/?lang=en |
France, Nantes | Nantes Université | Erasmus+ | www.univ-nantes.fr |
India, Sonipat | O.P. Jindal Global (Institution of Eminence Deemed to be University) | Global Programme | www.jgu.edu.in |
Italy, Palermo | Università degli Studi di Palermo | Erasmus+ | www.unipa.it/target/international-students/en/ |
Italy, Rome | Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza | Erasmus+ | www.uniroma1.it/it/ |
Mexico, Mexico City | Universidad Panamericana | Global Programme | www.up.edu.mx/en |
Poland, Warsaw | SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities | Erasmus+ | https://english.swps.pl/programs/review-our-programs/erasmus-incoming-students |
Spain, Barcelona | Universitat Internacional de Catalunya | Erasmus+ | www.uic.es/en |
Switzerland, Bern | University of Bern | SEMP | www.unibe.ch |
Turkey, Istanbul | Yeditepe University | Erasmus+ | www.yeditepe.edu.tr/en |
Partner universities in the fields of management, business & society
Country, city | name of university | funding programme | weblink |
Belgium, Hasselt | Universiteit Hasselt | Erasmus+ | www.uhasselt.be/en |
Canada, Victoria | University of Victoria | Double Degree | www.uvic.ca |
China, Hangzhou | Zhejiang University | Global Programme | www.zju.edu.cn/english/ |
China, Hong Kong | Hong Kong Baptist University | Global Programme | www.hkbu.edu.hk/en |
Cuba, Havana | Universidad de la Habana | Global Programme | www.uh.cu/inicio/ |
Cyprus, Nicosia | University of Cyprus | Erasmus+ | www.ucy.ac.cy/en/ |
Czech Republic, Prague | Prague University of Economics and Business | Erasmus+ | www.ozs.vse.cz/english/ |
Denmark, Roskilde | Roskilde University | Erasmus+ | www.ruc.dk/en |
Finland, Lappeenranta | Lappeenranta University of Technology | Erasmus+ | www.lut.fi/en |
France, Paris | Université Paris Nanterre | Erasmus+ | www.university.parisnanterre.fr |
Hungary, Budapest | Andrássy Gyula German-speaking University of Budapest | Erasmus+ | www.andrassyuni.eu |
Iceland, Akureyri | University of Akureyri | Erasmus+ | www.unak.is/english |
India, Sonipat | O.P. Jindal Global (Institution of Eminence Deemed to be University) | Global Programme | www.jgu.edu.in |
Italy, Bari | Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro | Erasmus+ | www.uniba.it/en |
Italy, Bergamo | Università degli studi di Bergamo | Erasmus+ | www.en.unibg.it |
Italy, Bolzano | Libera Università di Bolzano | Erasmus+ | www.unibz.it/de |
Italy, Bologna | Università degli Studi di Bologna | Erasmus+ | www.unibo.it/it |
Italy, Pisa | Università degli di Pisa | Erasmus+ | www.unipi.it/index.php/english |
Italy, Rome | Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza | Erasmus+ | www.uniroma1.it/it/ |
Italy, Rome | Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" | Erasmus+ | www.web.uniroma2.it |
Italy, Rome | Università Europea di Roma | Erasmus+ | www.universitaeuropeadiroma.it |
Italy, Salerno | Università degli Studi di Salerno | Erasmus+ | www.unisa.it |
Italy, Siena | Università degli Studi di Siena | Erasmus+ | www.unisi.it/internazionale/international-exchange-student |
Japan, Kashiwa | Reitaku University | Global Programme | www.reitaku-u.ac.jp/en/ |
Japan, Osaka | Kansai University | Global Programme | www.kansai-u.ac.jp/English |
Japan, Tokyo | Sophia University | Global Programme | www.sophia.ac.jp/eng/ |
Latvia, Riga | University of Latvia | Erasmus+ | www.lu.lv/en |
Lithuania, Klaipėda | LCC International University | Erasmus+ | www.lcc.lt |
Mexico, Mexico City | IPADE Business School, Universidad Panamericana | Global Programme | www.ipade.mx |
Mexico, Mexico City, Guadalajara or Aguascalientes | Universidad Panamericana | Global Programme | www.up.edu.mx/en |
Netherlands, Amsterdam | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Erasmus+ | www.vu.nl/en/ |
Norway, Kongsberg | University of South-Eastern Norway | Erasmus+ | www.usn.no/english/?lang=en_GB |
Poland, Wroclaw | SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities | Erasmus+ | https://english.swps.pl/programs/review-our-programs/erasmus-incoming-students |
Poland, Wroclaw | WSB Merito Universities | Erasmus+ | www.merito.pl/english/ |
Slovakia, Bratislava | Bratislava University of Economics and Management | Erasmus+ | www.vsemba.sk/en |
Slovenia, Ljubljana | Univerza V Ljubljana | Erasmus+ | www.uni-lj.si |
South Africa, Stellenbosch | Universiteit van Stellenbosch | Global Programme | www.sun.ac.za/Home.aspx |
South Korea, Seoul | Korea University | Global Programme | www.korea.ac.kr/mbshome/mbs/en/index.do |
Spain, Bilbao | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Uniberstitatea | Erasmus+ | www.ehu.eus/en/en-home |
Spain, Granada | Universidad de Granada | Erasmus+ | www.ugr.es/destacado/Informacion-para-nuevos-estudiantes#title4 |
Sweden, Falun | Dalarna University | Erasmus+ | www.du.se/en |
Switzerland, Lugano | Università della Svizzera italiana | SEMP | www.usi.ch/en |
Turkey, Istanbul | Galatasaray Üniversitesi | Erasmus+ | www.gsu.edu.tr/en |
Turkey, Istanbul | Istanbul Zaim Üniversitesi | Erasmus+ | www.izu.edu.tr/en |
Turkey, Istanbul | MEF University | Erasmus+ | www.mef.edu.tr/en |
Turkey, Istanbul | Nisantasi University | Erasmus+ | www.nisantasi.edu.tr |
Turkey, Istanbul | Yeditepe University | Erasmus+ | www.yeditepe.edu.tr/en |
United Kingdom, London | International American University Richmond | Global Programme | www.richmond.ac.uk |
United Kingdom, London | Regent's University | Global Programme | www.regents.ac.uk |
Any questions?

Dagmar Koch
International Coordinator Outgoing Students Global
Administration | International Office
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58455 Witten
Room number: C-e.133

Judith Schmitz
International Coordinator Global Partnerships
Administration | International Office
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58455 Witten
Room number: E132

Pia Kluth
International Coordinator ERASMUS+ Incoming & Outgoing
Administration | International Office
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58455 Witten
Room number: E.133

Sigrun Caspary
International Coordinator Degree-Seeking Students
Administration | International Office
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58448 Witten
Room number: 1.044