- Medical child protection in the Ruhr region
Project overview
In the project "Medical child protection in the Ruhr region - cross-institutional cooperation for improved detection and care in cases of child endangerment", a new form of care is being designed in which medical child protection is being standardised, tested and evaluated for the first time across sectors and in local and regional networks. The project aims to improve the recognition of child endangerment, its diagnosis and legally compliant documentation, the transfer from medical facilities to youth welfare offices and the use of medical expertise by youth welfare professionals.
The Chair of Research Methodology and Statistics in Psychology, together with the Chair of Paediatrics at Witten/Herdecke University, is responsible for evaluating the quality of structures, processes and outcomes.
Further information
- Duration: 09/2019 - 08/2023
- Funding: Innovation fund of the Federal Joint Committee
- Responsible: Chair of Research Methodology and Statistics in Psychology, Chair of Paediatrics
- Consortium partners: Techniker Krankenkasse, AOK Rheinland/Hamburg, DAK-Gesundheit, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinderschutz in der Medizin, Berufsverband der Kinder- und Jugendärzte, St. Josef- und St. Elisabeth Hospital gGmbH, Vestische Caritas-Kliniken GmbH, Klinikum Dortmund gGmbH, Helios Klinikum Duisburg GmbH, Elisabeth Krankenhaus Essen GmbH, Bergmannsheil und Kinderklinik Buer GmbH, Ev. Krankenhaus Oberhausen, St. Elisabeth Gruppe GmbH, Helios Universitätsklinikum Wuppertal GmbH, Essener Forschungsinstitut für Medizinmanagement GmbH, University of Duisburg-Essen, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences, DATATREE AG, Düsseldorf University Hospital
- Further information can be found on the website of the Federal Joint Committee.
Contact UW/H
Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Thomas Ostermann
Chair holder
Faculty of Health (Department of Psychology and Psychotherapy) | Chair of Research Methodology and Statistics in Psychology
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58455 WittenRoom number: E 79
Prof. Dr.
Michael Paulussen
Chair holder
Faculty of Health (School of Medicine) | Chair of Paediatrics
Dr. Friedrich-Steiner-Straße 5
45711 Datteln