IT-supported cross-sectoral patient pathways for the care of children with complex chronic neurological diseases

Project overview

The care of children with complex chronic neurological diseases is extremely demanding and complex; there is a lack of structures for cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary and multi-professional care. This is where the KoCoN project comes in: An IT-supported patient pathway is intended to improve care for patients, their parents and carers.

To this end, the scientists are developing forward-looking diagnostic, treatment and care plans for children and their families. These will be supplemented by multi-professional case conferences, the establishment of an outpatient care network and the use of electronic patient records.

Finally, the researchers will analyse how these measures affect the quality of life, the symptoms of the illness, the families' ability to act and the overall quality of care. We will also record and evaluate the healthcare costs of KoCoN using health insurance data and self-reporting by families.

Further information

Consortium management UW/H

Sub-project management of the "economic evaluation" work package