Kick-off event for the HeLis project

The HeLiS project (Health literacy and self-management in long-term cancer survivors - participatory development and evaluation of a digital, diversity-sensitive offer to promote skills) invites all interested parties to the kick-off event!
Join the Zoom meeting:
Meeting-ID: 607 683 2046
Identification code: 706061
Procedure of the event:
- Welcome and round of introductions
- Presentation of the HeLiS project
- Goals and expectations
- Open discussion and questions
- Outlook and next steps
We are very much looking forward to the launch of the HeLiS project and to an exciting dialogue!
If you have any questions or comments in advance, please feel free to contact us at any time.
Contact us

Kübra Annac
Research assistant
Faculty of Health (School of Medicine) | Chair of Health Care Research
Pferdebachstraße 11
58455 Witten
Room number: Raum 4

Anna Audia
Research assistant
Faculty of Health (School of Medicine) | Chair of Health Care Research
Pferdebachstraße 11
58455 Witten
Room number: 4
Project management
- UW/H: Prof Dr Patrick Brzoska, Dr Yüce Yilmaz-Aslan, Fabian Erdsiek
- University Medicine Greifswald: Prof Dr Corinna Bergelt
- University of Siegen: Prof Dr Christoph Dockweiler