International Heart School

Multi-professional intervention to promote heart-healthy self-management skills according to the curriculum of the International Heart School (MIFeSCH)

Project overview

Witten/Herdecke University is evaluating the International Heart School "Multi-professional intervention to promote heart-healthy self-management skills according to the International Heart School curriculum (MIFeSCH)". The one-year observational study examines the sustainability of the integrative programme of the Heart School for cardiovascular diseases.

Despite considerable progress in diagnostics and therapy, chronic cardiovascular diseases are still one of the most common causes of death in industrialised countries. Lifestyle change programmes are effective, but are rarely implemented in standard care. For around 20 years, heart schools based on the lifestyle programmes of US heart specialist Dean Ornish have been offered in Germany. The "International Heart School (IHS)" was created in this process as a merger of the heart schools in Herdecke, Munich, Berlin, Hamburg and Zoetermeer (NL). Together they developed a binding heart school curriculum based on anthroposophic medicine. The curriculum now serves as the basis for the evaluation study.

The Heart School focusses on salutogenesis, i.e. the development and maintenance of health. The aim is to educate and promote the dimensions relevant to heart health in the areas of nutrition, the ability to exercise, biographical or ego competence and social, emotional and artistic competence. The aim of the patient-oriented, outpatient training programme is to address people in their entire personality and to contribute to the development of the spirit, the maturing of the soul and the recovery of the body. Participants in the Heart School are trained to learn to recognise themselves in their individually different biographical and psychosocial situations and needs.

Graphic ego competence

Further information

Research question

The effects of the International Heart School on the heart health of the participants in the evaluation are analysed. The study pursues the following questions:

  1. What impact does participation in the Heart School have in terms of health literacy at the level of physical health, quality of life, functional quality, spiritual development and attribution of meaning to the disease?
  2. What effects does the implementation of the Heart School have on the health and job satisfaction of the multi-professional team that accompanies the heart students in their development processes?

Aim of the study

The aim of the study is to examine whether training in self-management skills can reduce the need for medical interventions and hospitalisation. We are also investigating the extent to which the general quality of life improves and whether the participants develop greater self-efficacy.

The results of the study serve as a basis for the application to the health insurance companies for recognition as a patient education programme, as well as for the long-term implementation of sustainable funding (patient education on the basis of § 43 Para. 1 No. 2 SGB V). Secondly, we are investigating the extent to which participation in the cardiac training team has a health-promoting effect on the team members themselves.

Information on participation in the study

Who can take part?

Who cannot participate?

What conditions do I have to fulfil to take part?

How does the study work?

What does the Heart School cost?

Regional heart schools

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