The integration of transdisciplinary research in neuroscience and economics - A methodological case study on the relationship between economic policy and neuroscience-based theory of action
Project overview
Governments in the West are increasingly turning to neuroscientists and social scientists for advice on proposed legislation. The scientific findings are to be used to gently nudge people towards behaviour that is more in line with government interests. Previous approaches were often ineffective and met with concerns about individual freedoms. There was also a lack of a conceptual framework that adequately integrated various disciplines - this framework was developed by the researchers in the INSOSCI project. The Witten sub-project used it to analyse decision-making processes on financial markets.
Further information
- Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
- Responsible: Chair of Theoretical Philosophy and Philosophy of the Social Sciences
- Project partners: Max Weber College of the University of Erfurt, University of Tampere, Brandenburg University of Technology, Catholic University of Leuven
- Further information on the project website
Project management
Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Jens Harbecke
Chair holder
Faculty of Management, Economics and Society (Department of Philosophy, Politics and Economics) | Chair of Theoretical Philosophy and Philosophy of the Social Sciences
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58455 WittenRoom number: 1.221