How can education raise awareness of climate and health?

Project overview

University education can play an important role in raising awareness of the climate crisis. But how exactly do educational events affect students? And how can climate, health and ethics be communicated in the best possible way?

Surveys are used to record how students' attitudes and knowledge change before and after participating in courses. The courses Digital Medicine goes Planetary Health and Human-Animal Interaction were selected as examples.

In-depth studies show how these findings can be incorporated into teaching. These include the question of how planetary health can be integrated into medical degree programmes and the extent to which digitalisation in the health care system influences sustainability goals.

Further information

  • Duration: ongoing
  • Responsible: Chair of Didactics and Educational Research in Health Science

Dissertation projects

The following PhD theses are being supervised in connection with the project:

  • Jost Smolarski: Climate change and medicine. Identification of study programme-relevant content and its representation in the curricula of medical faculties (med.)
  • Ralf Klemens Stappen: Thinking Planetary Health from Practice: A Study on Overcoming the Know-Do-Gap. What can be integrated into a planetary health curriculum from medicine to improve practice? (rer. medic.): The aim of the PhD thesis is to fundamentally analyse the Know-Do-Gap for further scientific development and to derive insights for a new effective Planetary Health practice for research, study (curriculum development) and implementation.

Project management