Logos of the partners in the HeLis research project


Health literacy and self-management in long-term cancer survivors - participatory development and evaluation of a digital, diversity-sensitive programme to promote skills

Project overview

Thanks to medical advances, more and more people are surviving cancer. In Germany, around 3.1 million people were considered long-term cancer survivors at the end of 2017. However, many of them have to deal with the late or long-term effects of the disease and treatment, which can affect their physical, mental and social health. Dealing successfully with these challenges requires strong self-management skills, which are closely linked to health literacy.

Our aim is to develop and evaluate a digital, diversity-sensitive programme for long-term survivors that strengthens health literacy and promotes self-management.


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Project goals

Our research project pursues the central goal of strengthening the health literacy of long-term cancer survivors and supporting them in coping with the consequences of their illness in a self-determined way. Specifically, the digital service is intended to help users

  • identify, use and evaluate relevant health information.
  • utilise existing support services in a targeted and needs-oriented manner.
  • actively shape their own health in a self-determined way.
Logo of the HeLis research project

Methodological approach

The project is based on a multi-stage mixed-methods approach and is being developed in a participatory co-design with those affected, patient advocates and other experts.

  • Needs analysis: Qualitative research methods help us to identify the needs and requirements of the target group.
  • Co-creation: The digital platform is designed together with long-term survivors, experts and advisory board members.
  • Adaptive learning: A dynamic approach ensures that the offering is customised to users.
  • Evaluation: The platform is tested for effectiveness and user-friendliness in a randomised controlled trial.

Further information

Project management

Project management of the partner universities

Prof Dr Corinna Bergelt

University Medicine Greifswald
Institute of Medical Psychology
Head of Institute
Contact and further information

Prof Dr Christoph Dockweiler

University of Siegen
Chair of Digital Public Health
Contact and further information

Contact UW/H