Healthy city of Witten
Project overview
The "Healthy City of Witten (GeWIT)" project received follow-up funding and is now increasingly focusing on promoting the health of children and young people in the school and neighbourhood setting. The aim is to sustainably implement the resource-oriented approach of the Dutch "Positive Health" concept in the various settings and to sensitise local stakeholders to the topic of health promotion.
Other tasks include promoting networking and cooperation between local stakeholders, supporting integrated local health care and representing health issues in local administrative bodies. Through this integrative approach, GeWIT aims to provide long-term positive impetus for health promotion in Witten and anchor the topic beyond the end of the project.
Further information
- Duration: 01.02.2025 - 31.01.2028
- Funding: GeWIT is funded by the Techniker Krankenkasse via the "Healthy Community" funding programme in accordance with the Prevention Act §20a SGB V.
- Responsible: Institute of General Practice and Primary Care (iamag)
- Project management: The project is managed by Heike Bergemann (City of Witten and Witten/Herdecke University) and Klaus Völkel (City of Witten).
- Further information can be found on the project homepage and HERE.
Project management:

Heike Bergemann
Faculty of Health (School of Medicine) | Institute for General Practice and Outpatient Healthcare (iamag)
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58455 Witten
Room number: 2.040