Funded by the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG)

Project overview

The project is researching the development and piloting of a gender-sensitive care concept for patients with chronic non-tumour-related pain undergoing long-term opiate therapy.

GESCO is part of the Gender-specific characteristics in health care, prevention and health promotion programme, a funding priority of the Federal Ministry of Health.

GESCO stands for the development and piloting of a gender-sensitive care concept for patients with chronic non-tumour-related pain under long-term opiate therapy. To achieve this goal, the project consists of four phases:

1) Research & analysis of the current study situation, especially with regard to different genders.

2) Development of the care concept (intervention) together with GPs, patients and other experts.

3) Testing of the care concept (intervention) in 10 GP practices with at least 4 patients each (so-called pilot study).

4) Consolidation of all results and dissemination via various channels with the help of all those involved in the project.

What does gender-sensitive mean?

With what understanding of gender do we approach the topic as a research group?

What do we mean by a gender-sensitive intervention?

Our goal - What is it all about?

The aim of the project is to develop and test a new health-promoting, gender-sensitive care concept to improve the care of patients with chronic pain on long-term opioid therapy in GP practices without cancer. We want to achieve this goal together with patients, GPs and other researchers from related fields.

Germany is one of the countries in the world with the highest per capita consumption of opioids (very strong painkillers) among patients with chronic, non-tumour-related pain. Analyses of health insurance data show that these patients receive inadequate care, especially if they have other, primarily mental illnesses in addition to pain. The current guideline on the treatment of pain patients with opioids recommends that doctors critically examine the use of opioids in patients and make better use of alternatives.

Possible differences between men and women should also be taken into account when treating pain patients. This includes, for example, how medication is processed in the body, how pain is perceived and how pain is dealt with. In addition to gender, this may also be influenced by other personal circumstances (e.g. cultural background, family circumstances). In order to reduce the misuse of opioids, there is therefore a need to develop treatment concepts that take gender into account and can be adapted to different patients and their individual needs. The development and testing of such a concept is the aim of the GESCO project.

Further information

  • Duration: 04/2022 - 03/2025
  • Funding: Federal Ministry of Health (BMG)
  • Responsible: Institute of General Practice and Primary Care and the Chair of Clinical Pharmacology at Witten/Herdecke University and IT Services Applications Science & Laboratory, MHH Information Technology at Hannover Medical School.
  • Co-operation partners: This is a joint project with the MHH Hannover.
  • Contact: Alexandra Schmidt (02302 / 926 7373)
  • Further information on GESCO

Participation - researching together

It is planned to include the perspective of patients, GPs and other researchers in each project phase. To this end, strategies for participation will be designed, discussed and their practicability evaluated. Participation is intended to ensure that the new care concept is appropriate and practical.

The participation concept itself will be planned and implemented taking into account the wishes and needs of the patients, GPs, other researchers and researchers involved in the project. A joint workshop on participation planning was held for this purpose.

Workshop on participation planning (Photo: IAMAG)

Contact for study participants

Would you like to take part with your GP practice?

Please contact Alexandra Schmidt, Michaela Maas or Alexandra Piotrowski (contact details below) for further information.

Contact for scientific enquiries

Portrait photo of Univ.-Prof Dr med. Achim Mortsiefer

Prof. Dr med.

Achim Mortsiefer

Chair holder

Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)  |  Chair of General Medicine II and Patient Orientation in Primary Care

Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58455 Witten

Room number: NB-2.038.2

Orcid ID: 0000-0001-9901-1727



  • Kersting, C., Just, J., Piotrowski, A., Schmidt, A., Kufeld, N., Bisplinghoff, R., Maas, M., Bencheva, V., Preuß, J., Wiese, B., Weckbecker, K., Mortsiefer, A., Thürmann, P. A., & on behalf of the GESCO study group. (2024). Development and feasibility of a sex- and gender-sensitive primary care intervention for patients with chronic non-cancer pain receiving long-term opioid therapy (GESCO): a study protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 10(1).
  • Piotrowski (2024) Feasibility of a GP intervention for gender-sensitive pain therapy (GESCO project) - a realist evaluation
    23rd German Congress for Health Care Research (DKVF). Potsdam, 25-27 September 2024. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2024. Doc24dkvf295
    DOI: 10.3205/24dkvf295
  • Schmidt (2024) Intervention for gender-sensitive pain therapy in GP practices - a feasibility study (GESCO)
    German Society for General Practice and Family Medicine. 58th Congress of General Practice and Family Medicine. Würzburg, 26-28 September 2024. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2024. DocP-04-04
    DOI: 10.3205/24degam194
  • Piotrowski A, Schmidt A, Just J, Kufeld N, Bencheva V, Preuß J, Maas M, Wiese B, Tönnies L, Weckbecker K, Thürmann P, Mortsiefer A. Development of gender-sensitive care for patients with chronic non-tumour-related pain - participatory development of an impact model in the GESCO project. 22nd German Congress for Health Care Research. German Medical Science Publishing House 2023, DOI: https: //
  • Schmidt A, Piotrowski A, Just J, Kufeld N, Bencheva V, Preuß J, Maas M, Kersting C, Wiese B, Lauf U, Klee U, Scholz B, Weckbecker K, Thürmann P, Mortsiefer A. What do patients with chronic non-tumour-related pain want from primary care? A qualitative needs analysis in the GESCO project. 57th Congress of General Practice and Family Medicine. German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 2023,
  • Piotrowski A, Schmidt A, Just J, Bencheva V, Preuß J, Maas M, Kersting C, Wiese B, Lauf U, Klee U, Kufeld N, Scholz B, Weckbecker K, Thürmann P, Mortsiefer A. What needs do general practitioners express regarding the care of patients with chronic non-tumour-related pain? A qualitative needs analysis in the GESCO project. 57th Congress of General Practice and Family Medicine. German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 2023,
  • Schmidt A, Duck M, Just J, Kufeld N, Bisplinghoff R, Bencheva V, Preuß J, Maas M, Kersting C, Wiese B, Weckbecker K, Thürmann P, Mortsiefer A. Development and piloting of an intervention to improve gender-sensitive primary medical care for chronic non-tumour pain patients on long-term opioid therapy: study protocol for the GESCO model project. 56th Congress of General Practice and Family Medicine. German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 2022,
  • Schmidt A, Duck M, Just J, Kufeld N, Bisplinghoff R, Bencheva V, Preuß J, Maas M, Kersting C, Wiese B, Weckbecker K, Thürmann P, Mortsiefer A. Development and piloting of an intervention to improve gender-sensitive primary medical care for chronic non-tumour pain patients on long-term opioid therapy: study protocol for the GESCO model project. 21st German Congress for Health Care Research. German Medical Science Publishing House 2022,