
Influence of different (cost)-intensive feedback functions of a paediatric pain app on the quality of care

Project overview

Chronic, sometimes severely debilitating pain is a common health problem in children and adolescents. During intensive and brief inpatient pain therapy, they and their parents learn strategies to deal with the pain. After discharge, those affected have to apply their newly acquired knowledge independently in everyday life. However, a lack of regular feedback often jeopardises the long-term success of the treatment.

This is where the Feed-bApp project comes in: An app developed by the researchers supports children and their parents in coping with pain in everyday life. In an efficacy study, the project team is analysing, among other things, how different feedback intensities affect pain-related impairment and treatment satisfaction, whether the app influences the relationship between care providers, patients and their parents and whether it can contribute to a reduction in costs. In addition, general recommendations for the use of feedback functions in health apps - also in other areas of healthcare - will be formulated.

Further information

Consortium management UW/H

Sub-project management of the "economic evaluation" work package