Evidence-based interventions against loneliness
Project overview
Combating loneliness is a declared goal of the current German government (see Coalition Agreement 2021 - 2025) and the European Commission. As part of a loneliness network funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), we are therefore looking at risk and protective factors of loneliness in different phases of life and the evaluation of loneliness interventions.
Further information
- Responsible: Professorship of Developmental and Educational Psychology
Publications: Exemplary publications from this specialisation
Beckers, A., Buecker, S., Casabianca, E. and Nurminen, M., Effectiveness of interventions tackling loneliness, EUR 31313 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2022, ISBN 978 92 76 59108 5 , doi:10.2760/277109 , JRC130944.
Buecker, S., & Beckers, A. (2023). Evaluation of interventions against loneliness. kompetenznetz-einsamkeit.de/publikationen/kne-expertisen/kne-expertise-12
Contact us

Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Susanne Bücker
Faculty of Health (School of Psychology and Psychotherapy) | Professorship of Developmental and Educational Psychology
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 44
58455 Witten
Room number: 1.118B