Better prediction of disease progression after intensive medical care, more targeted treatment

Project overview

After intensive care treatment for serious operations or life-threatening illnesses, many patients develop symptoms such as breathing difficulties, fatigue and memory problems, a phenomenon known as "Post Intensive Care Syndrome" (PICS). To prevent repeat hospitalisations, the DISTANCE (Digital Smart Hub for Advanced Connected Care) project supports regional care facilities with digital innovations. An app developed by DISTANCE records vital data and symptoms in order to improve long-term research into the consequences of intensive care and bring together patient data from different areas of care.

The anonymised data is analysed using artificial intelligence to identify correlations between symptoms and disease progression and to predict individual health risks at an early stage. The app also promotes patients' self-care by making treatment courses manageable and strengthening mindfulness in dealing with their own health. A preliminary study confirms the intuitive usability of the app and shows its potential to increase the willingness to share data for health research.

Further information

  • Duration: 2021 - 2025
  • Funding: The project isfunded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the Digital Progress Hubs programme. Funding reference number: FKZ 01ZZ2104G.
  • Responsible: Chair of Health Informatics
  • An overview of all project partners and further information can be found on the website of the BMBF website.

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