
Project overview

Online appointments or working with telemedicine services such as video consultations are already part of the daily work routine for doctors and psychotherapists. Whether data-supported therapy, e-prescriptions or electronic certificates of incapacity for work (eAU) and patient files (ePA): the small "e" under the heading "eHealth" - "electronic health" - has become indispensable in more and more areas of outpatient medicine.

Only with well-trained staff who can utilise the various applications correctly and assess the digital processes in practices is it possible to work digitally in a meaningful way. Achieving this is the goal of the Digi-Manager:in pilot project: it aims to show what digitalisation can do for practice teams and doctors.

To this end, it enables future Digi-Managers to analyse the current level of digitalisation in their respective practices, develop their own digitalisation strategy and initiate new digitalisation projects. It is explicitly aimed at the non-medical staff in the practices and thus expands the expertise of the practice staff on the one hand and relieves the doctors on the other.

Further information

Course of the training programme

Participants in the training programme invest a total of around 200 hours in the individual, customised further development of their own digital working environment. The practice owners release the future digital managers for this purpose. Their training follows a modular structure. The focus is on training multipliers who digitise their own practice processes and become contact persons for the digitisation of patient care.

The Digi-Managers first build up up-to-date digitalisation expertise with the help of classroom and online events in the "knowledge module". The practical module provides them with a practical reference to the content they have learnt. The KVWL's "dipraxis" in the Dortmunder Ärztehaus serves as a kind of laboratory for the digitalisation of processes and the selection of digital tools - with the aim of working "fully digitally".

The core of the practice module is the task of mapping the degree of digitalisation of the respective practice with the help of the KVWL's digital maturity model. Digi-Managers should be able to apply this model to their own practice processes and analyse how digitally the practice operates. The aim here is to recognise opportunities for improvement. In collaboration with the project team, the digital managers develop individual digitalisation strategies that improve the practice's operations. Finally, there is a theoretical examination and a practical evaluation of the developed strategy.

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