Diversity-sensitive promotion of informed decision-making in the utilisation of colorectal cancer screening (DiDaMi)

A multi-perspective mixed-methods study with special consideration of people with a migration background

Project overview

People with a migrant background are less likely to take advantage of colorectal cancer screening than the majority population. From a public health perspective, this does not represent a deficiency as long as utilisation or non-utilisation is based on an informed decision. However, studies on cervical cancer and breast cancer screening indicate that people with a migration background encounter barriers in the healthcare system that hinder informed decision-making.

The DiDaMi project derives recommendations for action on how informed decision-making can be promoted when people with a migrant background participate in colorectal cancer screening.

To this end, existing barriers, support factors and support strategies in the care structures of the German healthcare system in connection with colorectal cancer screening in people with a migrant background are first identified on the basis of a scoping review. In addition, a document analysis of social media data will be conducted to gain initial insights into the perceptions of people with a migrant background and to record their experiences with colorectal cancer screening, their expectations of care and existing reservations.

Building on this, qualitative interviews will be conducted with people from Turkish and Afghan migrant backgrounds and an online survey will be conducted with GPs and gastroenterologists on the research topic in order to identify strategies and measures to promote informed decision-making when participating in colorectal cancer screening.

Further information

  • Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2024
  • Funding: Internal research funding of the Witten/Herdecke University
  • Responsible: Chair of Health Care Research

Project management

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