Portrait photo of Univ.-Prof Dr Werner Vogd

Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Werner Vogd

Chair holder

Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)  |  Chair of Sociology

Programme Coordinator M.A. Ethik und Organisation

Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)


Research specialisations:

  • Organisations
  • Medical sociology
  • systems theory
  • Sociology of knowledge
  • Sociology of religion
  • Qualitative Methods
  • Design Theory
  • Implicit Knowledge


Since 9/2008
Chair of Sociology at Witten/Herdecke University

Since 10/2007
Deputy Chair of Sociology at Witten/Herdecke University

"Lecturer for special tasks" specialising in "Sociology of culture/knowledge and political sociology" at the Institute of Sociology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich

Academic staff member in the DFG project "Doctors' actions and decisions in hospitals under changing organisational and economic conditions"

Postdoctoral university lecturing qualification with the topic: Medical decision-making processes in hospitals in the field of tension between system and purpose rationality. Venia legendi for the subject of sociology

1999 - 2004
Academic staff member at the Institute for Medical Sociology in the Centre for Human and Health Sciences at Berlin University Medicine

1997 - 2001
Teaching appointments at the Department of Industrial Design (ID 4), University of the Arts, Berlin

Supervision, conceptualisation and collaboration in interdisciplinary feasibility studies within the framework of the Medien-Kooperative-Ulm

Academic staff member at the University of Ulm, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Medicine (project funding from the hospital)'

Doctoral studies (final grade: summa cum laude) with the thesis: "Radical Constructivism and Theravada Buddhism: A Systematic Comparison in Epistemology and Ethics"

Continued studies at the Free University of Berlin. Diploma thesis on self-organisation phenomena in chemical systems using the example of the "ABA reaction" at the Institute of Biophysics

Studied biology at the University of Konstanz

Higher education entrance qualification at the Gymnasium am Giersberg, Siegen

Born in Frankfurt am Main

Press expert for

Sociology of the hospital, systems theory, organisational sociology, health systems research