Portrait photo of Dr Tobias Vogel


Tobias Vogel

Research assistant

Faculty of Management, Economics and Society (Department of Philosophy, Politics and Economics)  |  Chair of Moral and Political Philosophy


Research specialisations:

  • Philosophy of economics and business ethics
  • Economic growth and post-growth
  • Theories of the good life
  • Environmental ethics



08/2020 - today
Academic staff member at the Chair of Moral and Political Philosophy at the Faculty of Management Economics and Society at Witten/Herdecke University with Prof Dr Matthias Kettner, since October 2023 with Prof Dr Jan-Christoph Heilinger.

01/2013 - 05/2020
Doctoral student at the Chair of Applied Ethics at the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Science at the Ruhr University Bochum. Topic of the thesis: Foundations of a Critical Theory of Economic Growth. Normative standards and causal accountability of growth problems. Predicate: summa cum laude. Honoured with the German Study Prize. First reviewer: Prof Dr Klaus Steigleder; second reviewer: Prof Dr Reinhard Loske.

10/2013 - 09/2019
Academic staff member at the Chair of Moral and Political Philosophy at the Faculty of Cultural Reflection at Witten/Herdecke University under Prof Dr Matthias Kettner.

10/2009 - 03/2012
Master of Arts degree programme in Philosophy and History at the Ruhr University Bochum.

10/2004 - 08/2009
Bachelor of Arts degree programme in Philosophy and History at the Ruhr University Bochum.


Winter term 13/14

- Seminar: Philosophy of Economics (with Prof Matthias Kettner).


Summer term 14

- Seminar: Habermas and Apel: Social Theory, Democracy and Discourse Ethics (with Prof Matthias Kettner).

- Tutorial: Ethics tutorial.


Winter term 14/15

- Seminar: Moral and political philosophy and applied ethics (with Prof Matthias Kettner).

- Seminar: The Struggle for Recognition and the Right to Justification. Current research programmes of critical theory (with Prof. Matthias Kettner).

- Seminar: Organisational Ethics from A to Z (with Prof. Matthias Kettner).

- Tutorial: Ethics tutorial.


Summer term 15

- Seminar: foundations of ethical judgements (with Prof. Matthias Kettner).


Winter term 15/16

- Seminar: Ethics and the good life.

- Study trip: Witten Winter Academy.


Summer term 16

- Seminar: Happiness, self-realisation and the good life.

- Seminar: The normativity of economic growth (with Prof Reinhard Loske).


Winter term 16/17

- Seminar: The Community of Human Rights - On the Social Philosophy of Alan Gewirth.

- Seminar: Alienation, reification, resonance and socialism - basic concepts of critical social philosophy.

- Study trip: Witten Winter Academy.


Summer term 17

- Seminar: The Normativity of Economic Growth II: Actual and Imagined Growth Constraints (with Prof Reinhard Loske).

- Seminar: Poststructuralism (with Jun-Prof. Jens Lanfer).

- Seminar: Marx at last (with Prof Matthias Kettner and Prof Georg Lohmann).


Winter term 17/18


- Seminar: Meaning, Self-fulfilment and the Limits of Morality - A Comparison of Alan Gewirth's and Susan Wolf's Philosophy.

- Seminar: Normative Methods I (with Prof. Matthias Kettner).


Summer term 18

- Seminar: Climate ethics.

- Seminar: Resonance and Social Order (with Jun-Prof. Jens Lanfer).


Winter term 18/19

- Seminar: Positions of consumer critique.

- Seminar: Normative Methods II (with Prof Matthias Kettner).


Summer term 19

- Seminar: Postdemocracy - The end of democracy as we know it (with Jun-Prof. Jens Lanfer).

- Seminar: Economic Philosophy - The Limits of Markets (with Prof Birger Priddat).

- Seminar: Global Citizenship, Postcolonialism and Global Criticism of Growth (with the One World Network).

- Seminar: Academic writing (teaching appointment at TU Dortmund University).


Winter term 19/20

No teaching activity in this semester.


Summer term 20

- Seminar: Growth theory and growth criticism (teaching appointment at Witten/Herdecke University, with Prof Matthias Kettner).

- Seminar: Scientific writing (teaching appointment at TU Dortmund University).


Winter term 20/21

- Seminar: Amartya Sen: Economics, the good life and justice (with Prof Matthias Kettner).

- Seminar: Social Implications of Data Science (teaching appointment at FH-Bielefeld, five contact hours per week).


Summer term 21

- Seminar: Philosophy of economics and business ethics.

- Seminar: Ethical challenges of digitalisation.


Winter term 21/22

- Seminar: Philosophy of economics and business ethics.

- Seminar: Sustainability between hegemony and counter-hegemony.

- Seminar: Social Implications of Data Science (teaching appointment at the FH-Bielefeld, five contact hours per week).


Summer term 22

- Seminar: Philosophy of economics and business ethics.

- Seminar: The community in modern society - perspectives of liberalism and communitarianism.

- Seminar: Economic Salon: Economic Growth? (with Prof Birger Priddat).


Winter term 22/23

- Seminar: Philosophy of economics and business ethics (with Prof Matthias Kettner).

- Seminar: History of Existential Philosophy.

- Seminar: Focus module: Society and transformation - how does change succeed in climate protection and labour? (with Prof Joscha Wullweber and Prof Dirk Sauerland).

- Seminar: Social Implications of Data Science (teaching appointment at the FH-Bielefeld, five contact hours per week).


Summer term 23

- Seminar: Basic concepts of ethics.

- Seminar: Theories of social justice.

- Seminar: Focus module: Old and new dimensions of inequality (with Prof. Nils Christian Bormann and Jun.-Prof. Magdalene Silberberger).


Winter term 23/24

- Seminar: Philosophy of economics and business ethics.


Summer term 24

- Seminar: Normative Orders.

- Seminar: The Capabilites-Approach (with Prof Jan Heilinger).

- Colloquium: Research Lab Moral and Political Philosophy (with Prof Jan Heilinger).


Winter term 24/25

- Seminar: Philosophy of economics and business ethics.

- Seminar: Social Implications of Data Science (teaching appointment at the FH-Bielefeld, five contact hours per week).