Portrait photo of Jun.-Prof Dr med. Thomas Pfeiffer

Junior Prof. Dr. med. Priv.-Doz.

Thomas Pfeiffer

Junior professorship

Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)  |  Professorship of Sports Traumatology

Junior Professorship of Experimental Sports Traumatology

Sports injuries are among the most common musculoskeletal disorders in all age groups and affect a large proportion of the population. The aims of the junior professorship are to develop evidence-based treatment concepts and to investigate how sports injuries occur. Another key topic is the investigation of joint injuries.

The junior professorship is clinically based at the Chair of Trauma Surgery/Orthopaedics at Witten/Herdecke University on the Cologne-Merheim campus and works closely with the Chair of Sports Traumatology.


Experimental research specialisations:

  • Biomechanical investigation of joint injuries and their treatment
  • Prophylaxis and therapy of peri- and postoperative infections after sports traumatological procedures

Clinical research specialisations:

  • Investigation of risk factors for cruciate ligament injuries
  • Comparative observations of procedures in the treatment of sports injuries


In the area of teaching, we offer training in arthroscopic and endoscopic surgical techniques in our own Dry and WetLab with arthroscopy trainers and simulators as well as on cadavers at the Merheim campus.