Portrait photo of Prof Dr Sabine Metzing

Prof. Dr.

Sabine Metzing


Faculty of Health (Department of Nursing Science)  |  Professorship for Nursing Science with a focus on children and adolescents

Programme Coordinator M.Sc. Pflegewissenschaft

Faculty of Health (Department of Nursing Science)


Faculty of Health (Department of Nursing Science)  |  Doctoral Programme Nursing Science

Professorship of Nursing Science, Specialising in Children and Adolescents

A central aim of the professorship is to focus on children and adolescents from a nursing science perspective and to give them a direct voice as experts in their living environment. The professorship is thus also aligned with the research specialisation of the Faculty of Health: "Integrative and personalised / person-centred healthcare" (IPGV).

As (nursing science) findings from the world of adults cannot simply be transferred linearly to the situation of children and adolescents, we want to understand their experiences and coping behaviour and contribute to supporting them in a needs-oriented manner.

Children as relatives of sick family members are a focus of the professorship. Building on previous studies on the situation of children as carers, this topic will be explored in greater depth. The aim is to investigate support needs and long-term courses in order to derive recommendations for practical action to help families cope with illness in their everyday lives. There is also a need for epidemiological data on this topic.

Furthermore, children and adolescents who are themselves affected by acute or chronic illness or are at risk of health problems will also be focussed on within the Faculty of Health.

As part of our self-image, research and teaching must be in balance with each other. The integration of current research findings into courses and the consideration of students' interests are considered just as important as the acquisition of new scientific knowledge. The Professorship of Nursing Science, Specialising in Children and Adolescents focuses its research and teaching on issues relating to children and adolescents in the context of health and illness.


The research interest is in coping with chronic illness in families. For many years, the focus has been on children and young people who are actively involved in maintaining everyday family life in the event of chronic illness in the family. This can also mean taking on caring activities. An overview of this topic can be found in the current Caregiver Report (Chapter 12, from p. 183).


Stefanie Stober, research assistant


1992 - 1998
Worked as a nurse in a cardiological intensive care unit, Marienhof Hospital Koblenz

2000 - 2003
Freelance consultant for nursing science

12/2002 - 07/2003
Research assistant, FH Osnabrück, DNQP: Literature analysis on the "Expert standard pain management in nursing"

12/2002 - 08/2003
Research assistant, UW/H: Research project: "Aids to support back-friendly resident transfers in inpatient geriatric care" (client: BGW)
Project management: Prof. Dr Sabine Bartholomeyczik

05/2004 - 04/2007
UW/H: Research project: "Children and young people as family carers" (BMBF funding),
Project management: Prof. Dr Wilfried Schnepp

05/2007 - 02/2011
Post Doc, UW/H: Research project: "Improving the quality of life of caring children and adolescents through a family-orientated offer of help." (BMBF funding),
Project management: Prof. Dr Wilfried Schnepp

07/2010 - 06/2016
Junior Professor of Nursing Science specialising in children and adolescents, UW/H

12/2012 - 10/2020
Visiting researcher at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences as part of the BMBF-funded cooperative research programme 'FamiLe - Family Health in the Life Course'

Since 07/2016
University professor of nursing science specialising in children and adolescents at Witten/Herdecke University


Teaching in the Master's programmes Nursing Science and Community Health Nursing of the School of Nursing Science. The focus of teaching is on the teaching of qualitative methods of social research with an emphasis on grounded theory. Further courses offered: (Nursing) theories on coping with chronic illness. In addition, supervision of research and master's colloquia as well as doctoral studies.

Press expert for

Children and young people as carers - young carers

Further information

  • Head of the Doctoral Programme Nursing Science and Chair of the Doctoral Committee Ph.D. Nursing Science
  • Member of various self-governing bodies of the university (Departmental Council PW, Faculty Council Health, Research Commission Fak. Health)
  • Member of the ethics committee of the UW/H
  • Member of the German Society for Nursing Science e.V.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal for Qualitative Research in Nursing and Health Science (QuPuG)