Portrait photo of Philipp Wichelhaus

Philipp Wichelhaus, M. A.

Research assistant

Faculty of Health (Department of Psychology and Psychotherapy)  |  Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy III

Research assistant

Faculty of Management, Economics and Society (Department of Management and Entrepreneurship)  |  WIFU Endowed Chair for the Organisation and Development of Business Families

Research assistant

Faculty of Management, Economics and Society (Department of Management and Entrepreneurship)  |  Witten Institute for Family Business (WIFU)


Clinical competencies

  • Systemic child and adolescent psychotherapy
  • Family therapy



Full licence to practice as a child and adolescent psychotherapist

Since 11/2023
Academic staff and doctoral candidate
in the co-operation project "Mental Health in Business Families" at Witten/Herdecke University & the Witten Institute for Family Business (WIFU)

Since 03/2022
Child and adolescent psychotherapist (retired) and family therapist at the specialist centre for child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy, Düsseldorf

10/2020 - 02/2022
Child and adolescent psychotherapist and family therapist at the LVR Clinic Bedburg-Hau

Since 2021
Contract lecturer for systemic psychotherapy at various psychotherapeutic training institutes and universities

10/2020 - 10/2024
Approbation training as a child and adolescent psychotherapist
in the specialisation area of systemic psychotherapy / family therapy at ifs Essen - Institute for Systemic Family Therapy,
Supervision and Organisational Development

2018 - 2022
Contract lecturer at several universities for the practical application of systemic theory

Further information


  • Chamber of Psychotherapists NRW
  • German Psychotherapists Association e.V.
  • German Society for Systemic Therapy, Counselling and Family Therapy (DGSF)