Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Marcel Tyrell

Chair holder

Faculty of Management, Economics and Society (Department of Philosophy, Politics and Economics)  |  Chair of Banking and Finance

Chair of Banking and Finance


Marcel Tyrell's research specialisations are the dynamics of financial systems, financial and economic crises and digitalisation in business and society. A specific focus is on blockchain technology. His completed projects include projects on the harmonisation of financial systems in Europe and changes to financing structures in Germany. He is currently working on a DFG-funded project on the socio-economic determinants of seasonal labour in quality viticulture. Sustainability is a decisive driving force behind the transformation of financial systems.


Dr Jona Stinner

Maximilian Gill, M.Sc.


Marcel Tyrell is Professor of Banking and Finance at Witten/Herdecke University. He holds a doctorate in economics from Goethe University in Frankfurt a.M. and a habilitation. Prof Tyrell also trained as a winemaker and completed a degree in viticulture and cellar management in Geisenheim/Rheingau. He then studied economics, specialising in money, credit and finance/currency at the University of Trier. Prior to Witten/Herdecke University, he was a professor at the European Business School in Oestrich/Winkel and at Zeppelin University. He was a visiting professor at the Wharton School/University of Pennsylvania and is currently a visiting professor at Zeppelin University.


Mark Tyrell takes over teaching on

  • microeconomics
  • finance
  • Corporate finance and financial market economics
  • Digitalisation in business and society
  • Blockchain technology
  • Focus modules in the area of PPÖ/PPE

Press expert for

  • Cryptocurrencies
  • financial crises
  • Financial topics such as debt brake, distortions on the international capital and money markets

Further information

Mark Tyrell is involved in the following organisations:

  • Verein für Socialpolitik
  • German Finance Association
  • American Economic Association
  • European Finance Association


UW/H study takes a close look at the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining