Prof. Dr.
Kurt Rasche
Faculty of Health (School of Medicine) | Chair of Pneumology
- Chronic lung diseases
- Pneumological intensive care medicine
- Pneumological oncology
- Respiratory medicine and weaning
- Sleep medicine
- LOA Eldar Ahmetovic
- LOA Ahmad Nazzal
- OA Maen Alzqoul
- OA Dr Josef Yayan
Clinical competencies
Specialist in internal medicine, pnuemology, intensive care medicine, allergology, sleep medicine
Medical training
Full licence to practice medicine
1978 - 1984
Medical studies (WWU Münster)
Higher education entrance qualification (Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium Bünde)
FG Head of Pneumology/Thoracic Surgery HELIOS
Head of the DKG-certified lung cancer centre
2012 - 2018
Deputy Medical Director, HELIOS Medical Centre Wuppertal
2011 - 2017
Deputy Chairman of the Clinic Ethics Committee, HUKW Wuppertal
2010 - today
Director/Chief Physician of the Clinic for Pneumology, Allergology, Sleep and Respiratory Medicine, Bergisches Lungenzentrum, HELIOS Medical Centre Wuppertal
2001 - 2009
Chief Physician of the Centre for Internal Medicine - Focus on Pneumology, St. Antonius Clinics, Wuppertal
1997 - 2001
Ltd. senior physician at the Department of Pneumology, Allergology and Sleep Medicine, BG-Universitätskl.Bergmannsheil, RUB
1992 - 1997
Senior Physician, Bergmannsheil Bochum, RUB
1986 - 1992
Assistant doctor and academic staff at Bergmannshei Bochum RUB
1984 - 1986
Staff physician in the German Armed Forces
Specialist qualifications/appointments
Additional training in sleep medicine
Recognised as an infectiologist (DGI)
Certificate of qualification in somnology (DGSM)
Additional qualification in specialised intern. Intensive Care Medicine
Additional specialisation in allergology
Specialist qualification in pneumology
Specialist in internal medicine
Recognised as a paramedic
Scientific career
Appointment as Professor of Pneumology at the UWH
Appointment as associate professor of internal medicine at HUU Düsseldorf
Appointment as Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at RUB
Postdoctoral university lecturing qualification in Internal Medicine (RUB Bochum)
Doctoral studies (WWU Münster)
- Block internships in internal medicine
- PJ training in internal medicine
Press expert for
- Sleep medicine
Further information
Current authorisation for further training (North Rhine Medical Association)
- Further training in internal medicine and pneumology (48+24 months)
- Additional training in intensive care medicine (18 months)
- Additional training in sleep medicine (18 months)
- Work for patient organisations/magazines
- Self-help group Lungenemphysem-COPD Germany (member of the scientific advisory board)
- Journal COPD & Asthma (member of the scientific advisory board)
- Sarcoidosis Network Germany (founding initiator of the Wuppertal chapter)
Memberships (current or former) in medical commissions
- Examination board of the ÄK NO (internal medicine, pneumology, sleep medicine)
- List of reviewers for occupational diseases (Rhineland-Westphalia State Association of Occupational Accident Insurers)
- Chairman of the quality commission "Diagnostics and therapy of sleep apnoea" (North Rhine Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians)
- Member of the AG Pneumonia of the QS-NRW
Memberships and functions in scientific associations/journals
- Professional Association of German Internists
- Professional association of pneumologists
- Board member NRW
- German Society for Internal Medicine
Former scientific secretary of the journal "Medizinische Klinik" - German Society for Pneumology
- German Society for Lung and Respiratory Research
- Chairman 2007
- Member of the editorial board of the journal
"Atemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten" - West German Society for Pneumology
- Treasurer until 2018, Deputy Chairman 2019-2021
- Conference President 2019
- German Interdisciplinary Society for Out-of-Hospital Ventilation (DIGAB)
(formerly: Home and Long-Term Ventilation Working Group)- Founding member
- Conference President 2004
- German Society for Sleep Research/Sleep Medicine
- Regional head and reviewer for the North Rhine region for the sleep laboratory accreditation procedure
- Member of the scientific advisory board of the journal "Somnologie"
- Conference President 2007
- North Rhine-Westphalian Society for Sleep Medicine
- Member of the board
- German Cancer Society
- German Society for Dental Sleep Medicine
- German-Turkish Medical Society
- European Respiratory Society
- European Sleep Research Society
- American Thoracic Society
Sleep Laboratory
German Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine (DGSM)
Lung cancer centre
German Cancer Society (DKG)
WeanNet: Weaning Centre
German Society for Pneumology and Respiratory Medicine (DGP)
German Interdisciplinary Society for Out-of-Hospital Respiratory Medicine (DIGAB)
Special public awards
- Focus doctors list "Germany's top doctors" for COPD/pulmonary emphysema, sleep medicine, lung cancer