Portrait photo of Helmut Budroni

Helmut Budroni, M. Sc. N.

Research assistant

Faculty of Health (Department of Nursing Science)  |  Department office


Outpatient care; care insurance and financing of outpatient care services; disability studies and care science; disabled people in residential facilities; de-institutionalisation and care; care dependency and care needs of people with disabilities; personal assistance; personal care services (personal budget); preparation of care reports to assess the care and assistance needs of people with disabilities or in need of care; cooperation with disability self-help and disability assistance facilities; care science and special education.



Born in Mönchengladbach in 1966. After completing an apprenticeship in metalworking, he trained as a nurse. Specialised baccalaureate on the second educational path, self-employed in outpatient care. Afterwards, management and nursing service management with PDL further training in a non-profit nursing service specialising in: Outpatient AIDS care; care for people with no fixed abode; outpatient care for people with severe disabilities; development of a residential project for people with HIV and AIDS; implementation of and participation in various publicly funded pilot projects.

Studied nursing science at UWH from October 2000 to September 2007,
Bachelor's degree (BScN) in 05.2004, Master's degree (MScN) in 09.2007.
Topic of Bachelor's thesis: "Care experiences of people with physical disabilities in acute hospitals", literature analysis.
Topic of Master's thesis: "Self-determination in the context of personal assistance for people with physical disabilities".


Further information

German Society for Nursing Science e.V.