Portrait picture of Prof Dr Frank Mooren

Prof. Dr. med.

Frank Mooren

Chair holder

Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)  |  Chair of Rehabilitation Sciences

Chair of Rehabilitation Sciences


The scientific work includes both basic and application-oriented research topics.

The basic research projects focus on

  • the connection between the immune system and sport
  • anti-inflammatory aspects of exercise and sport
  • the mobilisation of precursor and stem cells through exercise


The following topics are dealt with in the area of application-oriented projects

  • Sport in the prevention and treatment of internal diseases
  • Possible applications for strength training in health sports
  • Training and prevention programme to avoid muscular strain during physically demanding appointments


PD Dr Dr rer. nat. habil. Boris Schmitz, Head of Research/Laboratory

Mona Kotewitsch, PhD student

Hendrik Schäfer, doctoral student

Clinical competencies

Specialist in internal medicine - sports medicine - naturopathy