Dr rer. medic.

Christine Kersting

Research coordination

Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)  |  Chair of General Medicine II and Patient Orientation in Primary Care




Since 01/2021
Research Coordinator, Chair of General Practice II and Patient Orientation in Primary Care, Institute of General Practice and Primary Care (iamag), Witten/Herdecke University

01/2019 - 12/2020
Research Assistant, Chair of General Practice and Interprofessional Care & Chair of Innovation and Collaboration in Ambulatory Health Care, Witten/Herdecke University

07/2015 - 06/2018
PhD scholarship holder, Cusanuswerk e.V.

06/2013 - 12/2019
Research assistant and doctoral candidate, Institute for General Practice, University of Duisburg-Essen

12/2010 - 12/2012
Student assistant, Institute for Epidemiology and Prevention Research GmbH (BIPS), Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Specialist Group Epidemiology in Patient Collectives, Bremen

10/2007 - 01/2013
Bachelor's and Master's degree programme in Public Health/Health Sciences, University of Bremen



Focus: Supervision of doctoral students as well as organisation and implementation of the monthly colloquia for doctoral students at iamag


Press expert for

  • Patient and citizen participation in research


Further information


  • German Society for General Practice (DEGAM)
  • German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi)
  • German Network for Health Care Research (DNVF)


Working groups

  • Working Group Participatory Health Care Research of the DNVF
  • WG Participation of the Initiative of German Research Practice Networks DESAM-ForNet



How can general practitioners be relieved in the future?