Portrait photo of Dr Christa Raak

Dr rer. medic.

Christa Kunigunde Raak

Research assistant

Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)  |  Chair of Medical Theory, Integrative and Anthroposophic Medicine




Study programme:

01/10/2010 - 02/07/2014 
Complementary Medicine, University for Health and Sport, Berlin

Doctoral studies: 23.09.2020 
"Potenziertes Johanniskraut (Hypericum perforatum) zur Reduktion von postoperativen Schmerzen nach monosegmentaler spinaler Sequestrektomie - Eine monozentrische, doppelblind-randomisierte Placebokontrollierte Studie." magna cum laude 1,0


Employer Herdecke Community Hospital Medical-technical-radiology assistant Job share 100%

Employer Witten/Herdecke University, Society for Diagnosis and Research MTRA - job share 100%

Employer Herdecke Community Hospital MTRA job share 50%

Employer Herdecke Community Hospital Page 2 Project coordination of the "Measles Notification Centre" at Herdecke Community Hospital Study assistant - job share 50%

Employer: Witten/Herdecke University Project coordination of the specialised library for complementary medicine at Witten/Herdecke University Clerical assistant (50%)

2009- Today 
Employer: Witten/Herdecke University Research areas: Homeopathy, naturopathy and phytotherapy, as well as specialised libraries for complementary medicine Research assistant Job share 75%

Since 2019 
Employer: Herdecke Community Hospital Integrative Neuromedicine Prof. Dr med. Dipl. Phys. Wolfram Scharbrodt Research assistant Proportion of post 20%


Further information

Scholarships/awards/awards/honours (in the last ten years):

2010 - 2014 
Scholarship holder of the Software AG Foundation for studies at the University of Health and Sports, Berlin


Memberships/functions in scientific and artistic administrative bodies and associations outside the university:

VKHD Verein Klassischer Homöopathen e.V. Deutschlands

Since 2005 
European Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL)

Since 2006 
Doctors for Individual Vaccination Decisions e.V.

Since 2014 
ECH (European Committee of Homeopathy), Subcommittee Documentation

Since 2018 
Bund Deutscher Heilpraktiker e.V. (BDH)