Portrait photo of Prof Dr med. Boris Zernikow

Prof. Dr. med.

Boris Zernikow

Chair holder

Faculty of Health (School of Medicine)  |  Chair of Paediatric Pain Therapy and Paediatric Palliative Medicine

Chair of Paediatric Pain Therapy and Paediatric Palliative Medicine


Pain therapy for children, adolescents and young adults and paediatric palliative care


  • Markus Blankenburg (Prof. Dr med.)
  • Leandra Eidt (M. Sc. Psych.)
  • Michael Frosch (Prof. Dr med.)
  • Henrike Goldstein (M. Sc. Public Health)
  • Susanne Grothus (B. Sc. Psych.)
  • Almut Hartenstein-Pinter (MScN)
  • Holger Hauch (Dr med.)
  • Bettina Hübner-Möhler (MScN)
  • Clarissa Humberg (M. Sc.Psych.)
  • Larissa Alice Kubek (M. Sc.Psych.)
  • Verena Neß (M. Sc. Cog. Sci.)
  • Lisa-Marie Rau (M. Sc.Psych.)
  • Ann-Kristin Ruhe (Dr rer. medic., M. Sc. PH)
  • Pia Schmidt (Dr rer. medic., MScN)
  • Dejan Vlajnic (Dr med.)
  • Julia Wager (PD Dr rer. nat., Dipl.-Psych.)

Clinical competencies

Specialist in paediatrics and adolescent medicine
Specialist designation
Paediatric haematology/oncology

Additional qualifications
Specialised pain therapy
Palliative medicine


since 2008
Chair of Paediatric Pain Therapy and Paediatric Palliative Medicine, Witten/Herdecke University
Liaison officer: Cusanuswerk

since 2002
Chief Physician at the German Paediatric Pain Centre and Paediatric Palliative Care Centre Datteln, Vestische Kinder- und Jugendklinik Datteln, Witten/Herdecke University

Forfurtherinformation, please refer to the current curriculum vitae.


QB13; block training in paediatrics

Press expert for

  • Paediatric palliative care
  • Pain therapy for children, adolescents and young adults

Further information


International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)

European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC)

German Pain Society

German Society for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ)

German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG)

Society for Paediatric Haematology/Oncology (GPOH)

German Paediatric Hospice Association (DKHV)


Awards (selection since 2015):

  • 2023: "MSD Health Award" (3rd prize) and audience award for outstanding innovative care solutions (Datteln Children's Palliative Care Centre)
  • 2021: "Förderpreis für Palliativmedizin der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Palliativmedizin" for the work: Pelke S, Wager J, Claus BB, Zernikow B, Reuther M. Development and psychometric validation of the family-centred multidimensional outcome measure for pediatric palliative care targeted to children with severe neurological impairmentis - A multicentre prospective study. Palliat Med 2021;35(3):611-620 and Ribbers S, Wager J, Hartenstein-Pinter A, Zernikow B, Reuther M. Core outcome domains of paediatric palliative care for children with severe neurological impairment and their families: A qualitative interview study. Palliat Med 2020;34(3):309-318
  • 2020: "Förderpreis Leben pur 2020" of the "Stiftung Leben pur" for the work: Pain-typical behaviour in children, adolescents and young adults with severe multiple disabilities: Practical approach to diagnosis and therapy on a paediatric palliative care ward
  • 2020: "Telemedicine Award 2020" from the German Society for Telemedicine (DGTelemed) for the project: APPLAUS (app-supported therapy for the long-term implementation of pain therapy strategies for young adults)
  • 2017: "GERMAN PRIZE FOR PATIENT SAFETY 2017" (2nd place) from the Patient Safety Action Alliance for the work:
  • "PALLINI - a palliative care hygiene concept"
  • 2016: "Fast Forward Science" competition, 1st winner in the substance category with the educational film: "Migraine? I've got it under control!"
  • 2016: "MSD Health Award" (1st prize) for outstanding innovative care solutions (German Paediatric Pain Centre)
  • 2015: "Communicator Prize" - Science Prize of the Stifterverband and the German Research Foundation