Prof. Dr. med. dent.
Anton Friedmann
Chair holder
Faculty of Health (School of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine) | Chair of Periodontology
Department management
Dental clinic | Chair of Periodontology
To the Chair of Periodontology
Obtained a general higher education entrance qualification at the Bismarckschule Hannover
Dental technician training at the Dyck laboratory in Vechelde
Begins studying dentistry at the Free University of Berlin
Full licence to practice dentistry
Started working as an assistant dentist in an independent dental practice
Start of doctoral thesis
Change from independent dental practice to the position of a civilian dentist employed by the American armed forces in Berlin
Doctoral studies with the grade "Cum laude" with the topic "Healing processes around titanium implants using non-resorbable e-PTFE membranes"
1993 - 1994
Academic staff member at the Department of Periodontology, Dental Clinic North of the Free University of Berlin (Head: Prof. Dr Dr J.-P. Bernimoulin)
1994 - 2001
Academic staff member in the Department of Periodontology, Charité Medical Faculty of the Humboldt University of Berlin, Dental Clinic North (Head: Prof. Dr Dr J.-P. Bernimoulin)
Visiting Professor at the Department of Periodontology and Crown and Bridge Prosthetics, Bern, CH (Head: Prof. Dr Niklaus Lang)
2001 - 2008
Research assistant in the Department of Periodontology, Charité Medical Faculty of the Humboldt University of Berlin, Dental Clinic North (Head: Prof. Dr Dr J.-P. Bernimoulin; since 2005: Prof. Dr B.-M. Kleber)
Completion of the habilitation process with the topic "Aspects of augmentation and preservation of the alveolar bone around dental implants in periodontal disease" and appointment as academic with postdoctoral lecturing qualification
2008 - 2010
Research assistant in the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology at the Charite Centre for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Head: Prof. Dr A.M. Kielbassa)
Since 2010
Head of the Department of Periodontology at the Private Witten/Herdecke University
Since 2011
Appointment to the Chair of Periodontology at the Private Witten/Herdecke University