Prof. Dr. med.
Alfred Längler
Professorship for Integrative Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Faculty of Health (School of Medicine) | Chair of Paediatrics
Research assistant
Faculty of Health (School of Medicine) | Integrated Curriculum for Anthroposophic Medicine (ICURAM)
Chair of Paediatrics
The main focus of my scientific work is the integration of complementary medical procedures into everyday clinical practice. We are concerned both with the type and extent of practical application (mostly by parents) and with the training needs of doctors. To this end, we also develop didactic training formats and work in cooperative structures on the concrete implementation of counselling services for parents.
Another focus of our scientific work is the topic of child nutrition, again with two main areas of specialisation: Mother's milk nutrition and vegetarian/vegan nutrition.
Prof. Tycho Zuzak, MD
Dr Melanie Anheyer
Dr rer nat. Melanie Schwermer
Msc Daniela Reis
MSc Lara Nowack
Clinical competencies
- Paediatrics and adolescent medicine
- Paediatric haematology/oncology
- Born in 1961
- Head physician in the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at Herdecke Community Hospital
- Curative education training in Bingenheim
- Studied medicine at the Witten/Herdecke University
- PhD thesis on the doctor-patient relationship in the Corpus hippocraticum (Hanover Medical University)
- Specialist training at Herdecke Community Hospital, Hamm Protestant Hospital, University of Cologne
- Further training in "Medical quality management" and medical controlling
- Spokesperson for the National Breastfeeding Commission at the Max Rubner Institute within the remit of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
- Chairman of the WHO/Unicef Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative e.V.
Paediatrics and adolescent medicine:
- Clinical practical block
- PJ training ward
Press expert for
- Integrative medicine
- Complementary medicine
- Breast milk nutrition
- Vegetarian and vegan nutrition for children
Further information
Work/research specialisations
- Clinical focus in paediatric oncology/haematology
- Scientific focus in paediatric oncology with emphasis on complementary and alternative therapies
- health care research